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Available packages starting with W


Package NameVer.DateDescription
warning   2001/09/03 02:37:57   Sometimes a class or package has to make a global warning such as ``Rerun for this or that reason'' or ``This is draft, change this before the final run''. If you are generating them with \AtEndDocument{\PackageWarningNoLine{packagename}{warning}} the warning appears very early before the filelist. Then the warning can easily be overseen. This package provides a command that surely puts the warning at the end near to the global warnings generated by LaTeX itself. You can add a warning to a list of user defined warnings using the command \addglobalwarning as it can be seen in the example below. This package could be useful for the warnings generated e.g. by the packages changebar.sty or longtable.sty.  
warpcol   2000/02/29 15:55:00   Defines a tabular column type for formatting numerical columns in LaTeX. The column type enables numerical items to be right justified relative to each other, while centred beneath the column label. In addition, macros are provided to enable variations on this column type to be defined. Usage of the package is superficially similar to that of dcolumn; however, the alignment scheme is different, and the packages have different, though overlapping, applications.  
was   2003/07/28 10:02:22    
wasy   2002/06/04 00:34:48   The wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts).  
wasysym 1.0i   2004/01/04 00:12:38   Makes some additional characters available that come from the wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts). These fonts are not automatically included in NFSS2/LaTeX2e since they take up important space and often aren't necessary if one makes use of the packages amsfonts or amssymb. Symbols include: join box, diamond, leadsto, sqsubset, lhd, rhd, apple, ocircle invneg, logof, varint, male, female, phone, clock lightning, pointer, sun, bell, permil, smiley, various electrical symbols, shapes, music notes, circles, signs, astronomy, etc.  
webeq 1.0   2002/02/23 21:04:44    
webguide   2000/07/02 23:44:22    
webomints 1.1   2002/09/13 08:01:00   A set of files for using the Galapagos Design Group's free Web-O-Mints font with (La)TeX. The original announcement of the font said "Created by George Ryan, Web-O-Mints contains a rich assortment of typographic decorations inspired by historical sources". A copy of the type 1 font file is included with the distribution, as are test (demonstration) files.  
williams   2000/02/29 15:55:00    
wnri   2000/04/06 10:37:33   MetaFont fonts for Old English, Indic languages in transcription, and American Indian languages.  
wntamil   2000/02/29 15:55:00   Fonts (MetaFont) and support for Tamil, created at the University of Washington.  
wordcount   2000/10/04 13:36:36   Provides a relatively easy way of estimating the number of words in a LaTeX document that does not require dvitty or other DVI converters; it does however require something like Unix grep -c that can search a file for a particular string and report the number of matching lines. An accompanying shell script wordcount.sh contains more information in its comments.  
wp-conv   2001/09/03 01:53:52   A list (in HTML format) of packages for converting between LaTeX and TeX documents and a variety of other formats including RTF, Word, and Wordperfect.  
wsuipa   2000/04/06 10:37:33    


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