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Package Name | Ver. | Date | Description |
facsimile | 1.0 | 2003/04/30 12:47:43 | The facsimile package provides a simple interface for creating a fax with LaTeX. This covers by and large two areas: First, a title page is created with a detailed fax header. And secondly, every page gets headers and footers so that the recipient can be sure to have received all pages and complete pages, and to have the correct order. It evolved from the |
fancybox | 2002/05/28 22:11:10 | Provides variants of \fbox: \shadowbox, \doublebox, \ovalbox, \Ovalbox, with helpful tools for using box macros and flexible verbatim macros. You can box mathematics, floats, center, flushleft, and flushright, lists, and pages. | |
fancyhdr | 1.99b | 2002/12/16 21:59:58 | The package allows to customize the page layout of your LaTeX documents, i.e. to change page margings and sizes, headers and footers, and to make proper placement of figures and tables (collectively called floats) on the page. |
fancynum | 2000/08/11 15:41:50 | A LaTeX package for typesetting numbers, in particular those numbers written by computers. | |
fancyref | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | The fancyref package supports different languages (at the moment only english and german) and allows customization of the classifying `prefixes', the `delimitor' character and the `strings' used in cross-references. Most important, it provides user-definable `formats'. | |
fancyvrb | 2002/10/06 13:33:55 | Sophisticated handling of verbatim text including: verbatim commands in footnotes; a variety of verbatim environments with many parameters; ability to define new customized verbatim environments; save and restore verbatim text and environments; write and read files in verbatim mode; build ``example'' environments (showing both result and verbatim text). | |
faq-english | 1.0 | 2003/11/23 15:39:52 | An updated and extended version of the UK-TEX list of frequently-asked questions that was first published as Baskerville volume~4, number~6. Online at http://faq.tug.org. |
faq-french | 1.0 | 2001/06/11 14:37:31 | French list of frequently-asked questions, maintained by GUTenberg members. |
faq-german | 1.0 | 2003/09/19 14:50:34 | German list of frequently-asked questions, maintained by DANTE members. |
fax | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | fax.cls is a LaTeX class package for preparing faxes. sig.sty package is also added and can be used to put a scanned signature in your fax document or other documents. | |
fc | 1.3 | 2000/05/22 15:24:24 | METAFONT sorce files of fonts for African languages, complementary to Computer Modern. The following languages are supported: Akan, Bamileke, Basa (Kru), Bemba, Ciokwe, Dinka, Dholuo (Luo), Efik, Ewe-Fon, Fulani (Fulful), G\~a, Gbaya, Hausa, Igbo, Kanuri, Kikuyu, Kikongo, Kpelle, Krio, Luba, Mandekan (Bambara), Mende, More, Ngala, Nyanja, Oromo, Rundi, Kinya Rwanda, Sango, Serer, Shona, Somali, Songhai, Sotho (two different writing systems), Suaheli, Tiv, Yao, Yoruba, Xhosa and Zulu. The package supports also two european languages, which are not covered by the EC-scheme, namely Maltese and Sami. |
featpost | 2003/01/07 04:22:00 | These macros allow the production of three-dimensional schemes containing: angles, circles, cylinders, cones and spheres, among other things. | |
feyn | 0.1 | 2002/05/01 21:12:33 | Feyn may be used to produce relatively simple Feynman diagrams within equations in a LaTeX document. While the feynmf package is good at drawing large diagrams for figures, this package and its fonts allow diagrams within equations or text, at a matching size. |
feynmf | 1.08 | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams. |
figsize | 1.0 | 2002/04/09 13:29:26 | The FigSize package enables automatic sizing of graphics, especially when including graphics with the graphicx package. The user only has to specify the number of graphics that should fit to a page or fraction there of and the package will dynamically calculate the correct graphics sizes relative to the page size. Thus, graphics can be auto-sized to fill a whole page or fraction and manual changes of graphic sizes are never needed when changing document layouts! Finally, the package's dynamic lengths can be used to allow other document element sizes to be dynamic. |
filecontents | 2001/09/03 02:37:57 | LaTeX2e's filecontents and filecontents* environments enable a LaTeX source file to generate external files as it's run through latex. However, there are two limitations of these environments: They refuse to overwrite existing files, and they can be used only before the \documentclass declaration. The filecontents package removes these limitations, letting you overwrite existing files and letting you use filecontents/filecontents* anywhere. | |
finbib | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | BibTeX 0.99a standard bibliography style 'plain' translated into Finnish by Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho. | |
fink | 1.2 | 2002/04/09 13:29:23 | This package looks over your shoulder and keeps track of files \input'ed (the LaTeX way) or \include'ed in your document. You then have permanent access to the name of the file currently being processed through the macro \finkfile. FiNK also comes with support for AUC-TeX. |
firststeps | 1.0 | 2000/07/04 12:15:21 | The package contains sample articles and notes dedicated for begginers. |
fixfoot | 0.1a | 2000/07/10 11:36:43 | Provides a \DeclareFixedFootnote command to provide a single command for a frequently-used footnote. The package ensures that only one instance of the footnote text appears on each page (LaTeX needs to be run several times to achieve this) |
fixme | 2.1 | 2002/07/08 22:43:09 | This package provides a way to insert fixme notes in documents being developed (in draft mode). Such notes can appear in the margin of the document, as index entries, in the log file and as warnings on stdout. It is also possible to summarize them in a list. If your document is in a final version, any remaining fixme notes will produce an error. FiXme also comes with support for AUC-TeX. |
flabels | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Macros for typesetting pretty labels (optionally colored) for the back of files or binders (currently only the special a4 ``Leitz-Ordner'' ring binder is supported). | |
flashcards | 1.0 | 2000/07/02 23:44:22 | The FlashCards class provides for the typesetting of flash cards in LaTeX2e. By flash card, I mean a two sided card which has a prompt or a question on one side and the response or the answer on the flip (back) side. Flash cards come in many sizes depending on the nature of the information they contain. In particular, I like using both 3x5'' (index cards) and 2x3.5'' (business cards) which are available in perforated sheets suitable for printing or copying onto. |
float | 1.2i | 2002/05/20 15:22:36 | Improves the interface for defining floating objects such as figures and tables. Introduces the boxed float, the ruled float and the plaintop float. You can define your own floats and improve the behaviour of the old ones. Also incorporates the H option of the superseded here package. You can select this as automatic default with \floatplacement{figure}{H}. |
floatflt | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | Float text around figures and tables which do not span the full width of a page, improving upon floatfig, allowing tables/figures to be set left/right or alternating on even/odd pages. | |
fltpoint | 1.0c | 2000/09/06 14:12:01 | This package provides commands for simple floating point arithmetic with TeX. At the moment, only the four basic operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are supported, but future extensions are planned. |
fmp | 2001/11/20 21:42:32 | To make use of this package, you need a working version of Functional MetaPost. You can download this software from http://www.informatik.uni-bonn.de/~ralf/software.html You also need a Haskell interpreter; the basic setup of the FMP package supports the wide-spread hugs program. More information on hugs can be found at http://www.haskell.org/hugs/ | |
fnbreak | 2003/04/07 22:42:47 | This package detects footnotes that are split over several pages. It writes a warning into the log file. | |
fncychap | 2000/05/17 15:48:53 | This package provides six predefined chapter headings. Each can be modified using a set of simple commands. Optionally one can modify the formatting routines in order to create additional chapter headings. This package was previously known as FancyChapter. | |
foilhtml | 1.2 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Provides integration between FoilTeX and LaTeX2HTML, adding sectioning commands and elements of logical formatting to FoilTeX and providing support for FoilTeX commands in LaTeX2HTML. |
fontinst | 1.926 | 2003/07/15 15:55:57 | TeX macros for converting Adobe Font Metric files to TeX metric and virtual font format. |
fontname | 2003/12/05 10:10:34 | The package contains files regarding a naming scheme for fonts to be used with TeX. Mail comments and bug reports to tex-fonts@tug.org. | |
footbib | 2.0.3 | 2002/05/20 23:19:23 | This package makes bibliographic references appear as footnotes. It defines a command \footcite which is similar to the \cite command of LaTeX but the references cited in this way are inserted at the bottom of the pages. This `foot bibliography' does not conflict with the standard one and both may exist simultaneously in a document. The command |\cite| may still be used to produce the standard bibliography. |
footmisc | 5.2 | 2003/02/05 09:46:17 | Captures as package options much (if not all) of the functionality of the various other footnote packages. |
footnpag | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | Allows footnotes on individual pages to be numbered from 1, rather than being numbered sequentially through the document. | |
formlett | 2003/06/03 17:29:10 | ||
formula | 0.2 | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | Support for physical symbols, ensuring the same shape in text and math mode, including some predefined physical units. |
formular | 1.0 | 2001/05/02 12:33:04 | The package contains some macros which are helpful to typeset forms containing fields which are intended to be filled manually or using TeX. |
fp | 2000/03/19 23:51:39 | Provides an extensive collection of arithmetic operations for fixed point real numbers of high precision. | |
frcursive | 2003/08/03 21:26:34 | ||
fribrief | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | A LaTeX class for writing (German) letters by Alex Fries. | |
fullblck | 2003/04/06 21:22:57 | Used with the letter documentclass to set the letter in a fullblock style (everything at the left margin). | |
fullpict | 2001/04/22 16:42:47 | The package provides a set of environments for scaling pictures so that they fit nicely on the page. In works properly also inside tabular and minipage environments, and chooses appropriate font size for the scale of the picture. Some commands for the placement of labels are included. | |
fundus | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | LaTeX support files for various font families (calligraphic, pvscript, sueterl, twcal, va, vacal, etc.). | |
futhark | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | The Older Futhark fonts in METAFONT source files. |