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Package Name | Ver. | Date | Description |
pacioli | 2001/01/10 17:51:15 | The font is uppercase letters together with punctuation and some analphabetics; no lowercase or digits. | |
pageno | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | A LaTeX package that can re-define the plain page style under the control of options, so you can have page numbers: at the top or bottom of the page; in the inside corner, outside corner, or in the middle. It was inspired by Axel Sommerfeldt's rplain package. | |
paper | 1g | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | A class derived from article, tuned for producing papers for journals. Introduces new layout options and font commands for sections/parts. Defines a new keywords environment, and subtitle and institution commands for the title section. New commands for revisions. And more. |
paralist | 2.2 | 2002/03/21 09:53:57 | Provides enumerate and itemize environments that can be used within paragraphs to format the items either as running text or as separate paragraphs with a preceding number or symbol. |
parallel | 2003/04/22 10:46:30 | Provides a parallel environment which allows two columns of text to be typeset. Useful for typesetting two languages side-by-side. | |
parrun | 0.0 | 2004/01/04 00:10:19 | Macros useful for typesetting several (two) streams of text running parallel on the same physical page in a vertical layout |
passivetex | 2003/11/25 17:02:56 | Packages providing XML parsing, UTF-8 parsing, Unicode entities, and common formatting object definitions for . | |
patch | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | This input file is a tool for replacing just parts of existing macros by user defined parts. If those parts are no longer recognizable, an error message is produced, calling the user to attention. | |
patchcmd | 1.0 | 2000/08/03 13:54:18 | A LaTeX style which provides a way to add material at beginning or end of a macro's existing definition. |
pawpict | 1.0 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Support for the easy inclusion of graphics made by PAW (Physics Analysis Workstation). You need to have PAW installed on your system to benefit from this package. This package is now obsolete and will not be supported anymore. |
pb-diagram | 5.0 | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | The `diagram' environment provided by this package allows the LaTeX user to easily create complex commutative diagrams, by placing formula nodes on a conceptual grid and attaching arrows to them. |
pbox | 2003/06/27 14:18:10 | The package implements a variable-width \parbox and some convenient length commands. The \pbox command is equivalent to the \parbox command, only the width specified is merely the maximum width; the \pbox tries to fit itself tightly around the specified text. | |
pdcmac | 2000/07/02 21:47:54 | This is collection of TeX definition files which may be useful for setting documents using plain TeX (as opposed to more complex formats like LaTeX). | |
pdfcprot | 1.0 | 2002/09/15 16:06:07 | This package was written to provide the ``normal'' LaTeX user an easy way to use the special character protruding feature invented by pdfTeX. Further this package provides an easy interface to adjust the character protrusion for different fonts and choosing the right adjustment automatically depending on the font. |
pdfpages | 0.2l | 2004/01/04 00:11:14 | This package makes it easy to include pages from external PDF documents in LaTeX documents. It is possible to arrange two or four logical pages from a PDF document on each physical sheet of paper from LaTeX. It is similar to \includegraphics in some respects. Landscape format is supported. Pages are centered automatically. You can select pages to be included with, e.g., pages={3,5-11,20,38}. |
pdfscreen | 1.5 | 2003/09/17 09:59:27 | An extension of the hyperref package to provide a screen-based document design. This package helps to generate pdf documents that are readable on screen and will fit the screen's aspect ratio. Also it can be used with various options to produce regular print versions of the same document without any extra effort. |
pdfslide | 2000/07/02 23:44:22 | This is a package for use with pdftex, to make nice presentation slides. Its aims are: to devise a method for easier technical presentation; to help the mix of mathematical formulae with text and graphics which the present day wysiwyg tools fail to accomplish; to exploit the platform independence of TeX so that presentation documents become portable; and to offer the freedom and possibilities of using various backgrounds and other embellishments that a user can imagine to have in as presentation. | |
pdftex | 1.10b | 2003/07/07 22:37:23 | An extension of TeX which directly generates PDF documents instead of DVI. This is under development and regarded as beta software. It is, non-the-less, quite reliable, and produces good PDF. Various TeX distributions, including |
pdftexdef | 2003/06/27 14:21:52 | ||
pdftricks | 1.15 | 2003/08/10 06:34:41 | The psTricks macros cannot be used with pdfTeX, since pstricks uses PostScript arithmetic, which isn't part of PDF. This package circumvents this limitation so that the extensive facilities offered by the powerful psTricks package can be made use of in a pdfTeX document. This is done using the shell escape function available in the web2c TeX compiler (limiting the use of this package to the web2c implementation of TeX). This package was implemented by C. V. Radhakrishnan and C. V. Rajagopal. |
pdfwin | 2003/04/04 17:07:28 | The package provides widely customizable windows for screen output of TeX documents. | |
perltex | 2004/01/04 00:11:15 | PerlTeX is a combination Perl script (perltex) and LaTeX2e style file (perlmacros) that, together, give the user the ability to define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code. Once defined, a Perl macro becomes indistinguishable from any other LaTeX macro. PerlTeX thereby combines LaTeX's typesetting power with Perl's programmability. | |
permute | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | A package for symmetric groups, allowing you to input, output, and calculate with them. | |
peterw | 1.0 | 2000/03/29 16:37:55 | Some small LaTeX packages by Peter Wilson |
petri-nets | 2002/10/26 17:53:24 | Petri-nets is a set of TeX/LaTeX packages about Petri nets and related models. One package allows to draw Petri-nets in PostScript documents. One other defines macros related to PBC, M-nets and B(PN) models. A last package just gathers together the two previous. | |
pgf | 2003/12/03 02:00:28 | A TeX macro package that allows you to create graphics in your TeX documents using a special pgfpicture environment and special macros for drawing lines, curves, rectangles, and many other kind of graphic objects. Its usage closely resembles the pstricks package or the normal picture environment of LaTeX. | |
phonetic | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern in MetaFont sources. | |
photo | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | This package introduces a new float type called photo which works similar to the float types table and figure. Various options exist for placing photos, captions, and a ``photographer'' line. In twocolumn documents, a possibility exists to generate double-column floats automatically if the photo does not fit into one column. Photos do not have to be placed as floats, they can also be placed as boxes, with captions and photographer line still being available. | |
physe | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | An extension of plain TeX. Macros for physics papers. | |
phyzzx | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | PHYZZX is a macropackage which is designed to make typing papers destined for Physical Review or Nuclear Physics as simple as possible. In addition it allows you to type letters and produce memos without knowing much about the way TeX works. | |
picinpar | 2002/07/04 15:13:33 | (NOTE: Piet van Oostrum does not recommend this package. `picins' is recommended instead.) | |
picins | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | LaTeX package for inserting pictures into paragraphs. | |
pictex | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Generic macros for drawing pictures. | |
pictex2 | 2001/11/14 23:49:00 | Adds two user commands to standard PiCTeX. One command uses relative coordinates, thus eliminating the need to calculate the coordinate of every point manually as in standard PiCTeX. The other command modifies \plot to use a rule instead of dots if the line segment is horizontal or vertical. | |
piechartmp | 1.0 | 2002/05/14 14:52:55 | The set of MetaPost macros for easy drawing pie-chart diagrams. |
piff | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | This package is a minimal one that allows access to the three common AMS symbol font families. To use it, you will need the `amsfonts' package. | |
pkfix | 1.0 | 2001/04/23 17:10:28 | The perl script pkfix looks for DVIPSBitmapFont comments in PostScript files, generated by not too old dvips, and replaces them by the type 1 versions if possible. |
pl | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | LaTeX package for writing documented Prolog programs. | |
plainmisc | 2003/10/08 17:20:53 | Miscellaneous useful macros for plain TeX. | |
plaintex | 2003/01/22 00:26:59 | The package contains basic plain TeX macros made by D.E. Knuth (plain.tex, manmac.tex, testfont.tex, etc.) and some other macros, e.g. for formating .mf and .mp source files. | |
plari | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | A document class for typesetting stageplay scripts by Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho. | |
plates | 1.0 | 2002/04/13 11:54:49 | The plates package provides a simple facility for inserting color figures in documents they should be gathered and printed together --- just like in books with a section of color plates. The benefit of such a facility is to allow these special figures to be printed separately and later slipped into the final document. The package provides the plates environment to handle this situation. The user need only place these special figures in a plate environment instead of a figure environment and issue a command to print the plates at a chosen location in the document. Additional, if the author wishes to have a version of the document where the color figures are included in the text merely including the figures option will change the behavior of the plates environment to a figure environment, causing the plates to be printed directly in the text. |
platex | 1.2.4 | 2003/05/12 20:25:57 | Tools to typeset documents in Polish using LaTeX2e with Polish fonts (so-called PL fonts), or EC fonts, and CM fonts. |
play | 2001/11/20 21:43:05 | A class and style file that supports the typesetting of plays, including options for line numbering. | |
plcalendar | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | ||
plfonts | 2002/10/06 13:33:54 | Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts. These fonts are compatible with CM fonts; only Polish characters (as in EC/Cork encoding) and quotes are added. The fonts are distributed in METAFONT sources and in Type1 format. | |
plgraph | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | LaTeX graphics package with wrapper to allow it to be used with generic plain TeX. | |
plpatch | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | This input file is a tool for replacing just parts of existing macros by user defined parts. If those parts are no longer recognizable, an error message is produced, calling the user to attention. | |
pmgraph | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | A set of extensions to LaTeX picture environment, including a wider range of vectors, and a lot more box frame styles. | |
poemscol | 1.0 | 2002/11/16 23:10:13 | poemscol.sty is a set of LaTeX macros for typesetting critical editions of poetry. Its features include automatic linenumbering, generation of separate endnotes sections for emendations, textual collations, and explanatory notes, special marking for cases in which page breaks occur during stanza breaks, running headers of the form `Notes to pp.~xx--yy' for the notes sections, index of titles and first lines, and automatic generation of table of contents. |
polish-doc | 2003/07/10 21:12:00 | Selected documentation in Polish: contains The Virtual Academy of TeX in html format and some guides in PDF format. | |
polyglot | 1.1 | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | The package `polyglot' provides a new language selection system taking advantage of the features of LaTeX2e. It provides some utilities which make writing a language style quite easy and straightforward. |
polynom | 2002/01/29 22:30:31 | The polynom package implements macros for manipulating polynomials, for example it can typeset long polynomial divisions. The main test case and application is the polynomial ring in one variable with rational coefficients. | |
polytable | 2003/07/28 10:02:33 | This package implements a variant of tabular-like environments where columns can be given a name and entries can flexibly be placed between arbitrary columns. Complex alignment-based layouts, for example for program code, are possible. | |
postcards | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | A modification of the standard LaTeX letter class which prints multiple, pre-stamped, 5.5" by 3.5" postcards (a US standard size) via the envlab and mailing packages. An address database is employed to address the front side of each postcard and a message is printed on the back side of all. An illustrative example is provided. | |
ppr-prv | 2003/10/10 09:39:52 | This class is to be used with LaTeX presentations using the prosper class. ppr-prv stands for `Prosper Preview'. The aim of this class is to produce a printable version of the slides written with Prosper, with two slides per page. | |
prelim2e | 1.23 | 2003/04/06 21:28:37 | Puts some text below the normal page content. The default text marks the document as draft and puts a timestamp on it. Can be used together with e.g. the |
preprint | 1.0 | 2001/04/22 16:42:47 | |
prettyref | 3.0 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Additional functionality for the LaTeX2e label--reference mechanism allowing the ``preformat'' of all types of labels. This package is compatible with hyperref and other packages. |
preview | 1.0 | 2004/01/06 13:54:08 | While the primary focus of the package has been the support of editing in Emacs buffers augmented with preview images, its possible uses are not limited to that. |
procIAGssymp | 1.0 | 2002/02/23 21:04:07 | |
progkeys | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | The file `programs.sty' is intended to allow a parameterized way of typesetting programs with TeX/LaTeX commands inside. The file `keywords.sty' allows definition and use of sets of keywords that will be typeset with different fonts, according to the wish of the user. | |
program | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | ||
progress | 2003/07/14 12:58:04 | Progress is a package which when compiling \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} documents, generates a HTML file showing an overview of a documents state (of how finished it is). | |
proofs | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | ||
prosper | 1.0h | 2003/03/22 10:59:50 | Prosper is a LaTeX class for writing transparencies. It is written on top of the seminar class by Timothy Van Zandt. It aims to offer an environment for easily creating slides for both presentations with an overhead projector and a video projector. Slides prepared for a presentation with a computer and a video projector may integrate animation effects, incremental display, and so on. Various visual styles are supported (including some that mimic PowerPoint) and others are being contributed. |
protocol | 2002/04/24 21:07:51 | ||
ps4pdf | 0.6a | 2003/09/06 15:56:50 | The LaTeX package ps4pdf provides a new way to use Postscript commands (e.g. PSTricks graphics, PSfrag replacements, EPS graphics) inside a pdfLaTeX processed document. You need recent versions of the LaTeX packages `preview', `ifpdf', `ifvtex' and a new LaTeX base installation. |
psafm | 1.0 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | |
psfig | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | ||
psfrag | 3.04 | 2000/07/02 21:47:54 | Allows LaTeX constructions (equations, picture environments, etc.) to be precisely superimposed over Encapsulated PostScript figures, using your own favorite drawing tool to create an EPS figure and placing simple text ``tags'' where each replacement is to be placed, with PSfrag automatically removing these tags from the figure and replacing them with a user specified LaTeX construction, properly aligned, scaled, and/or rotated. |
psgo | 1.0 | 2004/01/03 23:08:58 | |
psizzl | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | ||
pslatex | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | A small package that makes LaTeX default to `standard' PostScript fonts. It is basically a merger of the times and mathptm styles from the psnfss suite of packages. You must have installed standard LaTeX and the psnfss PostScript fonts to use this package. The main novel feature is that the pslatex package tries to compensate for the visual differences between the Adobe fonts by scaling Helvetica by 90\%, and `condensing' Courier (i.e. scaling horizontally) by 85\%. The package is supplied with a (unix) shell file for a `pslatex' command that allows standard LaTeX documents to be processed, without needing to edit the file. | |
psnfss | 8.2 | 2003/07/17 22:12:00 | Font definition files, macros and font metrics for common PostScript fonts; the metrics and .fd files for the standard 35 fonts are not included here. |
psnfssx | 2003/03/28 22:05:20 | Extra styles and encodings for PS fonts, including Y&Y encoding support. | |
pst-3dplot | 1.1 | 2004/01/06 18:09:40 | A package using |
pst-circ | 1.2a | 2003/09/11 08:54:37 | A PSTricks package to draw easily electric circuits. Most dipoles, tripoles and quadrupoles used in classical electrotechnic circuits are available. |
pst-fr3d | 2003/04/30 22:09:11 | ||
pst-optic | 0.9 | 2003/02/08 22:56:27 | |
pst-uml | 2003/05/07 20:30:00 | ||
pst-vue3d | 1.0e | 2004/01/06 18:16:29 | with pst-vue3d three dimensional objects like cubes, spheres and others can be viewed from different points. The documentation is in french but the examples are self explanatory. |
pstricks-tutorial | 2003/09/11 08:52:49 | ||
pstricks | 2002/10/06 13:33:55 | An extensive collection of PostScript macros that is compatible with most TeX macro packages, including Plain TeX, LaTeX, AMS-TeX, and AMS-LaTeX. Included are macros for color, graphics, pie charts, rotation, trees and overlays. It has many special features, including: a wide variety of graphics (picture drawing) macros, with a flexible interface and with color support. There are macros for coloring or shading the cells of tables. | |
punk | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Donald Knuth's punk font | |
pxfonts | 1.0 | 2003/01/06 01:15:43 | Virtual and Type 1 fonts and macros for texts typeset using Adobe Palatino (or URWPalladioL) with full set of TeX and AMS symbols. Available for OT1, T1, TS1, and LY1 encodings. |