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Package Name | Ver. | Date | Description |
babel | 3.7 | 2004/01/03 23:13:28 | Babel is a package providing an environment in which documents can be typeset in a non-american language or in more than one language. The package contains language switching macros and a set of files defining specific things for every supported language. |
babelbib | 0.42 | 2004/01/06 18:20:33 | This package enables to generate multilingual bibliographies in cooperation with babel. Two approaches are possible: Each citation may be written in another language, or the whole bibliography can be typeset in a language chosen by the user. The current version supports Afrikaans, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portoguese, Spanish, and Swedish. In addition, the package supports commands to change the typography of the bibliographies. Supported bibliography styles are bababbrv.bst, babalpha.bst, babplain.bst, babunsrt.bst, bababbr3.bst, babplai3.bst, and babamspl.bst. |
backgammon | 2000/11/21 12:10:04 | Style for typesetting backgammon boards. | |
bakoma | 5.25 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | The package contains some additional CM and AMS fonts in Type 1 format which are missing in the BlueSky/AMS distribution. |
bangtex | 1.0 | 2002/03/14 22:07:00 | The bangtex package contains font and class (style) files for typesetting in Bangla and Assamese. |
barcode2 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Fonts and macros for making barcodes. In stores, upc and ean codes are widely used for automatic identification, pricing etc. ean consist of either eight or thirteen digits. Twelve digit upc codes are like thirteen digit ean with the first digit equal to zero. ean specifications do not only require bars, also the encoded number has to be written in plain text, in case a reader is defective or the code is too hard to read. ean is a high-density code, and so it is highly vulnerable. | |
barcodes | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | MetaFont source file of simple font for making barcodes. | |
bardiag | 0.4a | 2004/01/03 23:08:39 | The main purpose of the package is to make the drawing of bar diagrams possible and easy in LaTeX. The BarDiag package is inspired and based on PSTricks. |
barr | 2001/10/27 12:04:00 | The file diagram.tex includes a number of macros for drawing commutative diagrams in special shapes as well as more flexible macros to paste together more complicated diagrams. | |
bbding | 2001/02/05 15:59:52 | An NFSS-interface to the symbol font bbding containing many of the Zapf dingbats fonts. | |
bbm | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Blackboard variant fonts for Computer Modern, with LaTeX support. | |
bbold | 2002/04/09 13:32:36 | A geometric sans serif blackboard bold font, for use in mathematics | |
beamer | 0.51 | 2003/09/22 08:30:01 | The beamer LaTeX class can be used for producing slides. Its functionality is similar to Prosper but does not need any external programs and can directly produce a presentation using pdflatex. Beamer users |
beebe | 2003/07/31 15:58:00 | Nelson Beebe's collection of TeX-related bibliographies and BibTeX style files. | |
begriff | 2004/01/03 23:13:29 | ||
belleek | 2002/02/01 22:58:22 | Free replacement for basic MathTime fonts in Type1 format. See also txfonts package for full set of math fonts in Type1. | |
bengali | 1.0 | 2002/03/27 16:21:14 | The bengali package (fonts and LaTeX macros) provides the capability to typeset Bengali in TeX. This latest version, 2.0, is a major revision to the package. Assamese is supported in this version. |
betababel | 2003/07/22 14:31:08 | The betababel package provides a simple way to insert ancient greek texts with diacritical characters into your document through the commonly used Beta Code transliteration. You can directly insert Beta Code texts - as they can be found at the Perseus project, for example - without modification. | |
beton | 2002/05/26 22:53:11 | Typeset a LaTeX2e document with the Concrete fonts designed by Don Knuth and used in his book ``Concrete Mathematics''. | |
bez123 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | A package providing additional facilities for drawing linear, cubic, and rational quadratic Bezier curves. The multiply package provides a command for multiplication of a length without numerical overflow. | |
bezos | 2004/01/03 23:14:56 | Tools for math accents; tensorial indexes; tools for easy entry of Spanish index entries. | |
bibarts | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | A package to assist in making bibliographical lists common in the arts. | |
bibhtml | 1.1 | 2000/03/13 13:15:37 | Bibhtml consists of a Perl script and a BibTeX style file, which together allow you to compile a bibliography for a collection of HTML files. The references in the text are linked directly to the corresponding bibliography entry, and if a URL is defined in the entry within the BibTeX database file, then the generated bibliography entry is linked to this. The BibTeX style file is plainhtml.bst, and is derived from the standard plain.bst. |
biblist | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | This style option is appropriate to create a typeset listing of a (possibly large) BibTeX input file. With such large files - especially, if the cite keys are long - the needed string space is often exceeded. Often a BigTeX is available to circumstance this problem, but with this style option each TeX will do it. | |
bibtex | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | Bibliography management system for LaTeX which makes use of various styles for date formating. | |
bibtopic | 1.0j | 2002/09/15 16:03:56 | A LaTeX package to include several bibliographies covering different `topics' or bibliographic material into a document (e.g., one bibliography for primary literature and one for secondary literature). Provides commands to include either all references from a .bib file, only the references actually cited or those not cited in your document. You'll have to construct a seperate .bib file for each bibliographic `topic', which will have to be processed separately by BibTeX. If you want to have per-chapter bibliographies in a document, have a look at the packages bibunits or chapterbib instead. |
bibunits | 2.2 | 2000/10/16 15:27:36 | A style to generate separate bibliographies for different units (parts) of the text (chapters, sections or bibunit-environments). The style will separate the citations of each unit of text into a separate file to be processed by BibTeX. The global bibliography section produced by LaTeX can also appear in the document and citations can be placed in both at the same time. The package is compatible with koma-script and frenchb. |
biocon | 1.0 | 2001/09/03 02:37:57 | This package aids the typesetting of biological species names, and of taxa below the species level. It is quite configurable. |
bitfield | 2002/01/29 22:29:09 | bitfield provides an environment and commands for drawing bit field diagrams, which can be used to describe instruction sets, object code formats, and other bit field based data structures. Use of this package is no longer recommended, since all its facilities are now better provided by the ``bytefield'' package. | |
bizcard | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | A package for typesetting business/visiting/calling cards. | |
blacklettert1 | 2003/06/17 22:02:55 | ||
blindtext | 2004/01/03 23:15:10 | ||
bluesky | 2003/02/05 00:32:59 | Computer Modern font family in Type 1 format (.pfb). The package contains also .afm files and fontmap files for dvips. | |
boites | 2002/02/23 21:02:34 | Defines environments that allow page breaks inside framed boxes and include a few examples (shaded box, box with a wavy line on its side, etc.) | |
bookhands | 2003/07/29 15:12:56 | This is a set of bookhand (METAFONT) fonts and packages covering manuscript scripts from the 1st century until Guthenberg and Caxton. The included hands are: Square Capitals 1st century onwards (sqrcaps); Insular Minuscule 6th cenury onward (inslrmin); Carolingian Minuscule 8-12th century (carolmin); Early Gothic 11-12th century (egothic); Gothic Textura Quadrata 13-15th century (tgothic); Gothic Textura Prescius 13th onward (pgothic); Rotunda 13-15th century (rotunda); Humanist Minuscule 14th onward (humanist); Uncial 3-6th; Half Uncial 3-9th; Artificial Uncial 6-10th; and Insular Majuscule 6-9th. | |
booklet | 2002/10/04 22:14:05 | The booklet package provides some aid in printing simple booklets or signatures for longer books. | |
booktabs | 1.61 | 2003/03/28 16:18:10 | This article describes some additional commands to enhance the quality of tables in LaTeX. Guidelines are given as to what constitutes a good table in this context. The latest release (Version 1.61) of the booktabs package, described herein, adds some enhancements to the 1995 release (Version 1.00), most notably longtable compatibility. |
bophook | 0.02 | 2001/03/30 12:24:27 | Using the \AtBeginPage hook, you can add material in the background of a page. \PageLayout can be used to give page makeup commands to be executed on every page e.g. depend on the page style. |
borceux | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | The Diagram macros realize the construction of diagrams as those appearing in category theory texts. The user gives the list of vertices and arrows to be included, just as when composing a matrix, and the program takes care of computing the dimensions of the arrows and realizing the pagesetting. All the user has to do about the arrows is precising their type (monomorphism, pair of adjoint arrows,\ldots) and their direction (north, south-east,...): 12 types and 32 directions are available; see figures~1 and 3 for exhaustive lists. | |
bpchem | 2003/01/12 17:48:50 | This package has been written to alleviate the task of writing publications containing lots of chemistry. It provides methods for typesetting chemical names, sum formulae and isotopes. It provides the possibility to break very long names even over several lines. This package also provides a way to automatically enumerate your chemical compounds, allowing for one-level subgrouping. | |
braille | 2001/12/30 21:02:38 | This package allows user to produce Braille documents on paper for the blind without knowing Braille which can take years to learn. Essentially, Python scripts grade1.py and grade2.py convert ordinary text to grade 1 and 2 braille tags; then, LaTeX2e package braille.sty takes the tags and prints out corresponding braille symbols. | |
breqn | 2002/05/29 16:49:42 | The breqn package for LaTeX provides solutions to a number of common difficulties in writing displayed equations and getting high-quality output. For example, it is a well-known inconvenience that if an equation must be broken into more than one line, `left...right' constructs cannot span lines. The breqn package makes them work as one would expect whether or not there is an intervening line break. The single most ambitious goal of the breqn package, however, is to support automatic linebreaking of displayed equations. Such linebreaking cannot be done without substantial changes under the hood in the way math formulas are processed. For this reason, especially in the alpha release, users should proceed with care and keep an eye out for unexpected glitches or side effects. | |
bridge | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Macros for typesetting bridge diagrams. | |
brushscr | 2002/05/06 23:08:29 | BrushScript fonts including pbsi, a Type-1 PostScript font containing BrushScript Italic characters that simulates hand-written characters. Includes all the files needed by LaTeX in order to use that font. The file AAA_readme.tex fully describes the package and sample.tex illustrates its use. | |
burmese | 1.0 | 2002/08/06 22:25:41 | The burmese package contains Type 1 font and LaTeX .sty file for typesetting Burmese text. Perl preprocessor for Burmese transliterated text is also added. |
bytefield | 2002/10/26 17:52:54 | The bytefield package helps the user create illustrations for network protocol specifications and anything else that utilizes fields of data. These illustrations show how the bits and bytes are laid out in a packet or in memory. |