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Package Name | Ver. | Date | Description |
a0poster | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | Provides fonts in sizes of 12pt up to 107pt and also makes sure that in math formulas the symbols appear in the right size. Can also creates a PostScript header file for dvips which ensures that the poster will be printed in the right size. Supported sizes are DIN A0, DIN A1, DIN A2 and DIN A3. | |
aastex | 2000/07/02 21:47:54 | The American Astronomical Society (AAS) has developed an author markup package called AAStex that assists authors in preparing manuscripts that are intended for submission to the AAS-affiliated journals. AAStex can be used for other journals as well, some of which accept AAStex manuscripts. | |
abstract | 2001/02/19 13:18:28 | The abstract package gives you control over the typesetting of the abstract environment, and in particular provides for a one column abstract in a two column paper. | |
abstyles | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | BibTeX database file for the `adaptable' style family, written by Hans-Hermann Bode, that contains compatibility definitions for use with standard styles. | |
accfonts | 0.212 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | The accfonts package contains two utilities to permit easy manipulation of fonts, in particular the creation of unusual accented characters. Mkt1font works on Type 1 PostScript fonts, and vpl2vpl works on TeX virtual fonts. Both programs read in a font, together with a simple definition file containing lines such as "128 z acute" they then write out a new version of the font with the requested new characters in the numerical slots specified. Great care is taken over the positioning of accents, and over the provision of kerning information for new characters; mkt1font also generates suitable "hints" to enhance quality at small sizes or poor resolutions. The programs are written in Perl. |
achemso | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | The achemso package provides a BibTeX style in accordance with the requirements of the journals of The American Chemical Society. It consists of both a BibTeX style file and a LaTeX package file. Also provided, is a BibTeX style file to be used for bibliography data base listings via an option to the LaTeX package achemso. | |
acmconf | 1.3 | 2000/07/02 21:47:54 | This class may be used to typeset articles to be published in the proceedings of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) conferences and workshops. The layout produced by the `acmconf' class is based on the description contained in www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/pubform.doc. |
acmtrans | 1.0 | 2002/02/23 21:05:07 | The LaTeX acmtrans document style by L. Lamport formats articles in the style of the ACM transactions. Users who have prepared their document with LaTeX can, with very little effort, produce camera-ready copy for these journals. |
acronym | 1.6 | 2000/05/24 11:44:03 | This package ensures that all acronyms used in the text are spelled out in full at least once. It also provides an environment to build a list of acronyms. |
adrconv | 1.2b | 2003/06/04 00:19:36 | Adrconv is a collection of BibTeX style files to turn an address database stored in the .bib format into files suitable for printing as address books or included into letter classes like akletter or scrletter2. Adrconv will sort you data either by name or birthday and create output files in various formats for address books or time planers. Interactive adress directory generation and driver of BibTeX database to addressfile converter. |
adrlist | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | The package adrlist provides the macro ForEachAddress for address lists in LaTeX. | |
ae | 1.2 | 2001/02/19 13:18:28 | A set of virtual fonts which emulates T1 coded fonts using the standard CM fonts. The package is called AE fonts (for Almost European). The main use of the package is to produce PDF files using versions of the CM fonts instead of the bitmapped EC fonts. |
aeguill | 2003/08/04 15:55:09 | A package adding several kinds of guillemets (polish cmr, cyrillic cmr, lasy and ec) to the ae fonts. It is useful if you are using the ae fonts to produce PDF files, since the additional guillemets exist in Type 1 versions (and for free, except in ec's case). | |
aguplus | 16b | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | AGU is a LaTeX macro package (AGU\TeX) for producing manuscripts, preprints, and camera-ready copy, together with an unofficial extension package called \app{}. This extension adds extra features such as author-year citations with \btx{} and true figures in the preprint version. Other extra features include corrected coding to avoid having to give certain numbers explicitly, sublabelling of equations, figures, etc., and balancing two columns of text on the last page. |
ai | 1.0 | 2001/10/17 23:24:27 | Virtual fonts and other related files for remapping the BSR/YandY/AMS Type 1 Computer Modern fonts. This helps to produce more robust PDF output from pdftex, dvips/gs, and dvipdf. |
aiaa | 2.4 | 2000/07/02 21:47:54 | A bundle of LaTeX/BibTeX files and sample documents to aid those producing papers and journal articles according to the guidelines of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). |
akletter | 1.5h | 2003/06/03 17:27:08 | An advanced letter document class which extends LaTeX's usual letter class, providing support for building your own letterhead and marking fold points for window envelopes. Options supported by the package include: letterpaper for US letter; a4offset for a modified A4 layout suitable for platic binders that cover a part of the left margin. Also includes isodate to set the date as YYYY-MM-DD as descibed in ISO 8601 and DIN 5008 and akfaxps a new configuration example that uses Times/Courier. |
alatex | 1.0 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | provides the user with all the functionality of LaTeX but with one small change: a general, legal way to override standard LaTeX behavior without altering source files. can interpret official LaTeX markup in an abstract way. |
alg | 2001/03/14 10:41:48 | Defines two environments for typesetting algorithms in LaTeX2e where lines are automatically numbered and can be referenced, with easy indentation, and algorithms as floats. | |
algorithm2e | 2004/01/03 23:10:41 | ||
algorithmicx | 2003/12/17 14:34:36 | ||
allrunes | 2.0 | 2002/09/15 21:44:53 | This collection of fonts and the LaTeX package gives access to almost all runes ever used in Europe. It covers not only the main forms but also a lot of varieties. |
alnumsec | 2004/01/03 23:10:44 | ||
altfont | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | A generalised replacement for some parts of psnfss and mfnfss. Similar to psfont with the PostScript specific code removed. | |
amsfonts | 2.2 | 2003/02/13 14:06:46 | Augments the standard set normally distributed with TeX, including: extra mathematical symbols; blackboard bold letters (uppercase only); fraktur letters; subscript sizes of bold math italic and bold Greek letters; subscript sizes of large symbols such as sum and product; added sizes of the Computer Modern small caps font; cyrillic fonts (from the University of Washington); Euler math fonts. |
amslatex | 2.0 | 2003/04/14 15:16:37 | A collection of loosely related files that are distributed together by the American Mathematical Society. These files are miscellaneous enhancements to LaTeX whose aim is superior information structure of mathematical documents and superior printed output. |
amstex | 2.2 | 2002/05/20 15:22:36 | American Mathematical Society big extension to plain TeX macros. As it uses special fonts containing many mathematical symbols, it is recommended to install also amsfonts package. |
answers | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | Styles for setting questions (or exercises) and answers. | |
antomega | 0.5 | 2003/03/20 15:38:00 | A new version of the alternative language support package for omega/lambda. |
antp | 0.50 | 2002/10/06 13:33:54 | A replica of Antykwa P\'o\l{}tawskiego font in PostScript Type 1 format -- preliminary version. This font was designed in the 'twenties and the 'thirties of XX century by a Polish graphic artist and a typographer Adam P\'o\l{}tawski. It was widely used by Polish printing houses as long as metal types were in use (until ca the 'sixties). Perhaps the first complete font family programmed and parametrized in METAPOST (?) |
antt | 1.03 | 2002/10/06 13:33:54 | Antykwa Toru\'nska is a serif font designed by the Polish typographer Zygfryd Gardzielewski which have been reconstructed and digitized as Type 1. |
anysize | 1.0 | 2002/10/06 13:33:53 | Anysize is a simple package that can be used to set up the margins of a document. This package is obsolete. Use the package typearea to define your margins typographically correct. Use the package geometry or vmargin for everything else. |
apa | 1.3.0 | 2002/08/29 23:14:00 | A LaTeX class to format text according to the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (4th ed.) specifications for manuscripts or to the APA journal look found in journals like the Journal of Experimental Psychology etc. In addition, it provides regular LaTeX-like output with a few enhancements and APA-motivated changes. |
apacite | 2003/09/06 15:56:09 | A BibTeX style which closely follows the APA style citation, claiming to provide the closest match. | |
apl | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | The original purpose of APL font and macros was to solve the immediate problem of writing documents with APL language code. | |
appendix | 1.1a | 2002/09/15 16:03:52 | The word `Appendix' or similar can be prepended to the appendix number for article class documents. The word `Appendices' or similar can be added to the table of contents before the appendices are listed. The word `Appendices' or similar can be typeset as a \part-like heading (page) in the body. An appendices environment is provided which can be used instead of the \appendix command. Includes support for per chapter (or section for non-chaptered documents) appendices. |
ar | 2000/12/04 13:07:04 | MetaFont files and a LaTeX2e package for producing and using the capital A and capital R ligature, used for the symbol of the ``aspect ratio'' by scientists and engineers in the field of aeronautics. | |
archaic | 2001/01/29 10:51:29 | The collection includes cypriot, etruscan, greek4cbc, greek6cbc, linearb,phoenician, and runic. | |
armenian | 1.0 | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | It can be used with a standard Latin keyboard without any special encoding and/or support for Armenian letters. It can also be used with any keyboard which uses encodings having Armenian letters in the second half (characters 128--255) of the extended ASCII table. |
arrayjob | 1.03 | 2000/06/02 11:16:02 | This package provides array data structures in (La)TeX, in the meaning of the classical procedural programming languages like Fortran, Ada or C, and macros to manipulate them. Arrays can be mono or bi-dimensional. This is useful for applications which require high level programming technics, like algorithmic graphics programmed in the TeX language. |
arydshln | 1.4 | 2003/09/03 22:20:59 | Definitions of horizontal and vertical dashed lines for the array and tabular environment. Horizontal lines are drawn by \hdashline and \cdashline while vertical ones can be specified as a part of preamble using `:'. The shape of dashed lines may be controlled through style parameters or optional arguments. |
asaetr | 2000/05/15 14:37:39 | A LaTeX style file for writing documents that look like ASAE (American Society for Agricultural Engineers) Transactions articles. Examples of section headers, itemized lists, tables, and figures are given. | |
ascelike | 2000/08/03 13:54:18 | A document class and bibliographic style that prepares documents in the style required by the American Society of Civil Engineers (these are unofficial files, not sanctioned by that organization, and the files specifically give this caveat). Also included is a short documentation/example of how to use the class. | |
ascii | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | The ascii.sty and its related font files in this package, are intended for printing/typesetting the first 128 characters of the standard ASCII code using TeX/LaTeX. Note that this ASCII font includes the first 31 graphics characters. The package includes comprehensive documentation (asciisty.tex and asciisty.dvi). | |
astro | 2002/10/05 16:26:52 | Astronomical (planetary) symbols. | |
attachfile | 1.0 | 2001/01/10 17:51:15 | Starting with PDF 1.3 (Adobe Acrobat 4.0), PDF files can contain file attachments -- arbitrary files that a reader can extract, just like attachments to an e-mail message. The attachfile package brings this functionality to pdfLaTeX and provides some additional features not available in Acrobat, such as the ability to use arbitrary LaTeX code for the file icon -- including things like \includegraphics, tabular, and math. Settings can be made either globally or on a per-attachment basis. attachfile makes it easy to attach files and customize their appearance in the enclosing document. |
augie | 1.0 | 2000/10/23 15:31:36 | Augie is a Type1 (PostScript) font simulating informal American style handwriting. The distribution includes the Type1 font and all required files for using it with (La)TeX. Font map files for dvips, pdfTeX and VTeX/Free are provided. |
aurora | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | Offset printers need separate camera-ready copies for each ink they will use in printing a document. Aurora is a PostScript program for producing colour separates from a colour PostScript document. Aurora can be run from any type of computer, as it depends only on a black-and-white PostScript printer for its execution. It is capable of handling colour images as well as ordinary graphics, though image handling is very slow. | |
authorindex | 2002/09/15 16:03:51 | A package to generate a list of all authors cited in a document along with a list of pages where these citations occur. | |
autotab | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Autotab package offers some new commands to generate tabulars nearly automatically. The tabular creating commands are called inside a \tabular or \supertabular environment. |