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Package Name | Ver. | Date | Description |
ibm | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | ||
ibycus | 1.0 | 2002/02/05 22:52:42 | The package consists of a set of METAFONT files which use the original characters of Silvio Levy's greek fonts and combine them in ways which reflect the increased capabilities of TeX and METAFONT developed since Levy did the original greek for TeX. |
ieeepes | 4.0 | 2000/07/02 21:47:54 | Supports typesetting of transactions, as well as discussions and closures, for the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions journals. |
IEEEtran | 11 | 2003/02/23 15:50:47 | IEEEtran.cls provides LaTeX formatting for authors of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions Journals. |
ifacmtg | 2001/09/03 02:37:57 | ||
ifmslide | 0.43 | 2001/06/27 13:08:39 | This package is used to produce printed slides with latex and online presentations with pdflatex. It is provided by the ``institute of mechanics'' (ifm) Univ. of Technology Darmstadt, Germany. It is based on ideas of pdfslide, but completely rewritten for compatibility with texpower and seminar. The manual (ifmman.pdf) describes all functions and provides a sample. |
ifsym | 2001/09/03 13:29:04 | Symbols for alpinistic, electronic, meteorological, geometric etc. usage. | |
imac | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | A set of files for producing correctly formatted documents for the International Modal Analysis Conference. | |
inlinebib | 2000/06/06 16:18:54 | Macros for BiBTeX generated references inlined in footnotes. | |
insbox | 2.2 | 2000/07/02 21:47:54 | Plain TeX macros to put pictures on the page and format all the neighbouring paragraphs so that they do not interfere with pictures. |
invoice | 2004/01/03 23:16:58 | LaTeX macros package that provides an environment for writing invoices with an arbitrary number of billed items like fees (with taxes, if applicable), as well as expenses in local and foreign currencies. | |
ipa | 2000/06/06 16:18:54 | LaTeX package and set of Washington State University International Phonetic Alphabet fonts. | |
iso | 1.0 | 2003/04/06 21:18:57 | LaTeX class and package files for use in preparing ISO standard documents. |
iso10303 | 1.0 | 2002/09/15 21:16:05 | LaTeX macros for typesetting ISO 10303. |
isodate | 1.04 | 2004/01/03 23:17:08 | This package provides four commands to switch the output format of the \today command: \isodate switches to yyyy--mm--dd; \numdate switches to dd.\,mm.~yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy, or mm/dd/yyyy; \shortdate switches to dd.\,mm.\,yy, dd/mm/yy, or mm/dd/yy; TeX format yyyy/mm/dd; and \origdate switches to the original LaTeX format (which is language dependent). The package contains two additional commands to print a date given as an argument using the actual date format for output: \printdateiso{yyyy-mm-dd} and \printdatenumger{dd.mm.yyyy}. |
isorot | 2000/07/02 23:44:22 | The isorot package is for rotation of document elements. It is a combination of the lscape package and an extension of the rotating package. It is designed for use with the iso class but may be used with any normal class. | |
isotope | 2004/01/03 23:17:09 | ||
italian-doc | 1.0 | 2001/04/22 16:42:47 | The package contains some documentation translated into Italian (amslsdoc, amsmath, amsthdoc, fancyhdr). |
itrans | 1.0 | 2001/07/23 02:11:40 | This package is a pre-processor, it converts input representing Indic Text to the actual Indian Language Script, for printout or for display on Web pages. The input uses English letters, so it can be created using any simple text editor. |