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Available packages starting with E


Package NameVer.DateDescription
ean   2000/02/29 15:55:00   MetaFont source files of OCR-B fonts for makin barcodes (made by N. Schwarz) with some generic TeX macros. The original typeface for OCR-B was developed by Adam Frutiger.  
easy 0.99   2002/03/19 15:16:00   Some easy* style files written by Enrico Bertolazzi. The package contains: easy.sty, easyeqn.sty, easybmat.sty, easymat.sty, easytable.sty, easyvector.sty and easybib.sty.  
ebezier 1.0   2002/11/16 23:09:09   The package ebezier is an extension of the (old) bezier.sty which is now part of LaTeX. It defines linear and cubic Bernstein polynomials together with some plotting macros for arcs. With the aid of the calc package also the calculation of square roots and henceforward lengths is supplied.  
ebsthesis   2004/01/03 23:15:22    
ec   2000/05/22 15:24:24   The European Computer Modern Fonts supporting the complete LaTeX T1 encoding defined at the 1990 TUG conference hold at Cork/Ireland. These fonts are intended to be stable with no changes being made to the tfm files. Also contains a Text Companion Symbol font, called tc, featuring many useful characters needed in typesetting, for example oldstyle digits, currency symbols (including the newly created Euro symbol), the permille sign, copyright, trade mark and servicemark as well as a copyleft sign, and many others. Recent releases of LaTeX2e support the ec fonts. The ec fonts supersede the preliminary version released as the dc fonts.  
eCards   2003/06/04 00:45:16    
ecc   2000/02/29 15:55:00   The MetaFont sources and tfm files of the European Concrete Fonts. This is the EC implementation of Knuth's Concrete fonts, including also the corresponding text companion fonts.  
ecltree 1.1a   2000/02/29 15:55:00   Hideki Isozaki: In this style file, I intentionally didn't use ordinary terms such as \tree, \subtree, \leaf etc., because I will use different tree macros in one file. This macro needs epic.sty.  
eco 1.3   1999/06/12 09:48:00   A set of font metric files and virtual fonts for using the ec fonts with oldstyle numerals.  
edmac   2000/04/06 10:37:33   The edmac macro package of John Lavagnino and Dominik Wujastyk provides a framework for preparing critical editions using Plain TeX.  
ednotes 0.49   2003/12/31 09:40:07   Macros for typesetting `critical editions' with LaTeX by Uwe Lueck and Christian Tapp. Packages `lineno' by Stephan I. Boettcher (SIB), `manyfoot' by Alexander Rozhenko (AR), and `longtable' by David Carlisle are enhanced and combined.  
eemeir   2003/04/30 13:03:07    
eepic   2000/04/06 10:37:33   Extensions to epic and the LaTeX picture drawing environment, including the drawing of lines at any slope, the drawing of circles in any radii, and the drawing of dotted and dashed lines much faster with much less TeX memory, and providing several new commands for drawing ellipses, arcs, splines, and filled circles and ellipses.  
egplot   2000/07/04 12:15:21   A package to encapsulate gnuplot commands in a LaTeX source file and thus include figures generated with gnuplot.  
eiad   2000/04/06 10:37:33   eiad* -- iad's Computer Modern Irish Family of fonts (MetaFont source files and supporting files for LaTeX).  
eijkhout   2001/02/05 14:22:19   Several unrelated packages: DBprocess, to parse and process database output; CDlabeler, to typeset user text to fit on a CD label; repeat.tex, a nestable, generic loop macro.  
ellipsis   2004/01/03 23:15:22    
elsevier   2002/02/05 16:35:49   Preprint LaTeX and BiBTeX style files for Elsevier Science journals.  
elvish   2000/02/29 15:55:00   MF source files of a font for typesetting Tolkien Elvish script. Plain TeX macros for tengwar in Quenya and Sindarin.  
em 1.0   2002/03/15 00:02:09   The LaTeX PSNFSS support files for `European Modern' (EM) fonts on their own are not useful without the actual fonts. The EM font set itself is available from YandY, Inc.  
emp   2000/04/06 10:37:33   A package for encapsulated MetaPost pictures in LaTeX. Useful for keeping illustrations in sync with the text. It also frees the user from inventing descriptive names for PostScript files that fit into the confines of file system conventions.  
empheq   2003/05/19 14:38:27   The empheq package automatically detects several amsmath environments and the size of the displayed math material. The user interface makes it easy to add various kinds of visual markup to these equations.  
emulateapj   2000/02/29 15:55:00   LaTeX style files to produce preprints with the page layout similar to that of the Astrophysical Journal.  
endfloat 2.4i   2000/02/29 15:55:00   Place all figures on pages by themselves at the end of the document with markers like ``[Figure 3 about here]'' appearing in the text (by default) near to where the figure (or table) would normally have occurred.  
engwar   2000/02/29 15:55:00   Font for typesetting Tolkien Engwar script, by Michael Urban.  
envbig   2000/02/29 15:55:00   Modified old envelope.sty for printing addresses on envelopes.  
envlab 1.2   2000/04/06 10:37:33   A LaTeX2e package for producing mailing envelopes and labels, including barcodes and address formatting according to the US Postal Service rules. Redefines the standard \makelabels command of the LaTeX2e letter documentclass.  
epigraph 1.5a   2002/10/26 17:48:57   Epigraphs are the pithy quotations often found at the start (or end) of a chapter. Both single epigraphs and lists of epigraphs are catered for. Various aspects are easily configurable.  
eplain   2002/05/28 23:34:54   Simple but powerful extended version of the plain format, adding support for bibliographies, tables of contents, enumerated lists, verbatim input of files, numbered equations, tables, two-column output, footnotes and commutative diagrams. Home page: http://tug.org/eplain.  
epsdice 1.0   2001/02/26 11:55:27   A small package to include dice faces in .eps format.  
eqlist 1.0   2002/09/15 21:24:00   This package provides a list environment which sets a description-like list but with the difference that the indentation corresponds to the longest item of the list.  
eqname   2000/02/29 15:55:00   This style option allows named equations, but does not work with leqno.sty.  
eqnarray   2000/04/06 10:37:33   The equationarray combines the line numbering of the eqnarray and the more flexible formatting features of the array environment. This package requires the array package.  
eqparbox 1.0   2001/04/25 10:43:21   LaTeX users sometimes need to ensure that two or more blocks of text occupy the same amount of horizontal space on the page. To that end, the eqparbox package defines a new command, \eqparbox, which works just like \parbox, except that instead of specifying a width, one specifies a tag. All eqparboxes with the same tag -- regardless of where they are in the document -- will stretch to fit the widest eqparbox with that tag. This simple, equal-width mechanism can be used for a variety of alignment purposes, as is evidenced by the examples in eqparbox's documentation.  
esdiff 1.0   2001/06/27 13:08:39   esdiff allows to write derivatives, partial derivatives, multiple derivatives.  
esieecv   2000/04/06 10:37:33   The package ESIEEcv is used to setup curriculum vitae efficiently and easily as french employers will expect it.  
esint 1.0   2002/02/23 22:28:39   The esint package is a solution to access to alternate integral symbols using the Computer Modern fonts. In the original Computer Modern Math font, several integral symbols are missing such \oiint. Many of those symbols are available in other math fonts (pxfonts, txfonts, etc.), but there is no good solution if want to use Computer Modern.  
eso-pic 1.0c   2004/01/03 23:16:28   This package is an extension to Martin Schroeder's everyshi package. Using everyshi's EveryShipout command eso-pic adds one or more userdefined picture commands to \LaTeX's shipout routine.  
esvect   2002/05/03 21:52:20   Write vectors using an arrow which is different to the Computer Modern one. You have the choice between several kinds of arrows. The package consists of the relevant metafont code and a package to use it.  
etex   2002/10/06 13:33:54   e-TeX  
ethiop 0.7   2002/06/05 23:56:22   Ethiopian language support for the babel package, including a collection of fonts and TeX macros for typesetting the characters of the languages of Ethiopia, with fonts based on EthTeX originally distributed by Abass B. Alamnehe.  
euclide 1.0   2002/05/02 11:03:46   PsTricks macros extension. The package activates the SpecialCoor mode. This mode extend the coordinates specification. Furthermore the plotting type is set to dimen=middle, which indicates that the position of the drawing is done according to the middle of the line.  
euler   2002/05/26 22:52:21   Provides a setup for using the AMS Euler family of fonts for math in LaTeX documents. ``The underlying philosophy of Zapf's Euler design was to capture the flavor of mathematics as it might be written by a mathematician with excellent handwriting.'' [concrete-tug] The euler package is based on Knuth's macros for the book ``Concrete Mathematics''. The text fonts for the Concrete book are provided by the beton package.  
eulervm 2.7   2003/06/15 23:24:28   The well-known Euler math fonts are suitable for typsetting math in conjunction with a variety of text fonts which do not provide math character sets of their own. Euler-VM is a set of virtual math fonts based on Euler and CM. This approach has several advantages over immediately using the real Euler fonts: Most noticeably, less TeX resources are consumed, the quality of various math symbols is improved and a usable \hslash symbol can be provided. The virtual fonts are accompanied by a LaTeX package which makes them easy to use, particularly in conjunction with Type1 PostScript text fonts. They are compatible with amsmath. A package option allows the fonts to be loaded at 95% of their nominal size, thus blending better with certain text fonts, e.g., Minion.  
euro-ce 1.0   2002/05/26 16:27:42   METAFONT source of the official euro currency symbol and CE mark. Scores of variants, including italic, slanted, boldface, boldface italic boldface slanted, condensed, and outline. Varying single parameters for compression, thickness, and slanting allows the user to add new variants.  
euro 0.2   2003/06/23 10:29:50   Converts arbitrary national currency amounts using the Euro as base unit, and typesets monetary amounts in almost any desired way. Write, e.g., \ATS{17.6} to get something like `17,60 \"oS (1,28 Euro)' automatically. Conversion rates for the so-called Euro-zone countries are already built-in. Further rates can be added easily.  
eurofont 1.1.3   2002/02/25 20:32:54   The particular symbol printed by \euro will in general change depending on the font family, weight, and shape in use at the time. This symbol can come from any source, and the package user has complete control over which euro symbol is used in any given situation. The package is pre-configured to behave sensibly with many common text fonts and available euro symbols. The \euro command can print `faked' euro symbols from a C with two lines across it when no suitable real euro symbol is available; the package also includes code for printing fake bold euro symbols for use when no real bold symbol exists, as well as pre-configured support for a faked italic version of the marvosym font. Eurofont comes set up to use euro symbols from Adobe's Eurofonts, the marvosym font, the Eurosym font, and any available Text Companion fonts. The selection between these can be done using options passed to the package. The eurofont package knows about the China2e font's euro symbol, and can be configured to use it.  
eurosym 1.2   2002/07/03 13:11:00   The new European currency symbol for the ``Euro'' implemented in Metafont, using the official European Commission dimensions, and providing several shapes (normal, slanted, bold, outline). The package also includes a LaTeX style file which defines the macro, pre-compiled tfm files, Type 1 .pfb outline fonts, and documentation.  
euxm   2000/02/29 15:55:00   MF source files for a font like EUSM, but with two more characters needed for Concrete Math (by Don Knuth).  
everysel 1.02   2003/04/06 21:28:21   This packages provides hooks into the NFSS-command \selectfont called \EverySelectfont and \AtNextSelectfont analogous to \AtBeginDocument. An example application would be a package for setting ragged text which needs to distiguinsh between monospaced and proportional fonts.  
everyshi 2.02   2003/04/06 21:28:27   Introduces a new hook for taking action at every \shipout.  
examdesign   2001/04/09 11:30:56   A new class, exam, for LaTeX provides several features useful for designing tests or question sets: (1) it allows for an explicit markup of questions and answers; (2) the class will, at the user's request, automatically generate answer keys; (3) multiple versions of the same test can be generated automatically, with the ordering of questions within each section randomly permuted so as to minimize cheating; (4) the generated answer keys can be constructed either with or without the questions included; and (5) some environments are provided to assist in constructing the most common types of test question: matching, true/false, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer/essay questions.  
expdlist 2.4   2000/02/29 15:55:00   The expanded description environment provides additional features to the LaTeX description environment. It supports changing the left margin. With \listpart there is a new command available which makes it possible to break a list for a comment without touching any counters.  
expl3   2000/04/06 10:37:33   Experimental packages to allow experienced TeX programmers to experiment with, and comment on, a proposed set of syntax conventions and basic data-types that might form the basis for programming large scale projects in TeX.  
export 1.8   2000/10/19 11:05:30   This package allows the user to export/import the values of LaTeX registers (counters, rigid and rubber lengths only). It is definitely NOT for faint-hearted users.  
expressg 1.3   2000/09/20 17:44:41   A MetaPost package providing facilities to assist in drawing diagrams that consist of boxes, lines, and annotations. Particular support is provided for creating EXPRESS-G diagrams. Examples include IDEF1X, OMT, Shlaer-Mellor, and NIAM diagrams.  
extsizes   2000/09/20 17:44:41   Provides classes extarticle and extreport, extletter, extbook, extproc which allow for documents with a base font of size 8--20pt.  


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