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Package Name | Ver. | Date | Description |
mailing | 2002/10/06 22:16:00 | ||
makecirc | 2003/10/24 17:16:00 | ||
makecmds | 2000/06/09 11:12:26 | The package provides a \makecommand command, which is like \(re)newcommand except it always (re)defines a command. There is also \makeenvironment and \provideenvironment for environments. | |
malayalam | 1.6 | 2002/01/10 18:06:41 | |
manfnt | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | A package for easy access to the symbols of the manfnt, such as dangerous Bend and Man-errata Arrow. | |
manjutex | 2001/04/22 16:42:47 | ManjuTeX provides Manju for the TeX/LaTeX community. Manju is a language of North East Asia, belonging to the Tungusic branch of the Altaic languages. Though it is virtually not spoken anymore, it survives in written form as Manju was the native language of the rulers of the Qing dynasty (1644--1911) in China. Large quantities of documents of the Imperial Archives survive, as well as some of the finest dictionaries ever compiled in Asia, like the Pentaglot, a dictionary comprising Manju, Tibetan, Mongolian, Uighur and Chinese. ManjuTeX, developed on the basis of MonTeX, provides all necessary characters for writing standard Manju as well as transliterated Tibetan texts, for which purpose a number of additional characters was created. The retransliteration (from Latin input to Manju output) is completely realized in TeX/Metafont so that no external preprocessor is required. ManjuTeX can hence be used with both TeX and LaTeX2e though there are a few more functions (notably vertical text) available for the latter. | |
manuscript | 2003/07/14 12:57:57 | ||
mapcodes | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | ||
maple | 2000/06/06 16:18:54 | ||
marvosym | 2002/03/28 11:26:19 | Martin Vogel's Symbol (marvosym) font is a font containing: the Euro currency symbol as defined by the European commission; Euro currency symbols in typefaces Times, Helvetica and Courier; Symbols fur structural engineering; Symbols for steel cross-sections; Astronomy signs (Sun, Moon, planets); The 12 signs of the zodiac; Scissor symbols; CE sign and others. | |
mathcomp | 2001/01/18 11:12:09 | A package which provides access to some interesting characters of the Text Companion fonts (TS1 encoding) in math mode. | |
mathematica | 2002/05/12 23:26:38 | Virtual TeX fonts that can be used with the PostScript fonts distributed with Mathematica 3.0. The archives use a TDS conforming directory structure. A style file for LaTeX2e is included, that enables use of the fonts and the new symbols from LaTeX2e. | |
mathpazo | 1.001 | 2002/09/15 22:30:19 | The Pazo Math fonts are a family of PostScript fonts suitable for typesetting math in combination with the Palatino family of text fonts. The Pazo Math family is made up of five fonts provided in Type1 format (PazoMath, PazoMath-Italic, PazoMath-Bold, PazoMath-BoldItalic, and PazoMathBlackboardBold). These contain, in designs that suit Palatino, glyphs that are usually not available in Palatino and for which Computer Modern looks odd when combined with Palatino. These glyphs include the uppercase Greek alphabet in upright and slanted shapes in regular and bold weights, the lowercase Greek alphabet in slanted shape in regular and bold weights, several math glyphs (partialdiff, summation, product, coproduct, emptyset, infinity, and proportional) in regular and bold weights, other glyphs (Euro and dotlessj) in upright and slanted shapes in regular and bold weights, and the uppercase letters commonly used to represent various number sets (C, I, N, Q, R, and Z) in blackboard bold. The LaTeX macro package mathpazo.sty defines the Palatino family as the default roman font and uses the virtual mathpazo fonts, built around the Pazo Math family, for typesetting math in a style that suits Palatino. |
mathtime | 2003/07/15 00:19:03 | The Mathtime fonts have a number of characters remapped to positions different from the ones normally used by the corresponding TeX CM-fonts. For the symbol font ``operators'' the corresponding mathtime style files use the Times Roman font (often called something like: ptmr or ptmr7t or ptmrq). | |
mattens | 1.0 | 2001/12/30 21:14:36 | |
mceinleger | 2002/09/15 16:05:04 | A package for creating MC-covers on your own. It allows the creation of simple covers as well as covers with an additional page for more information about the cassette (table of contents e.g.). The `rotating' package is required. | |
mcite | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | Support for collapsing multiple citations into one, as customary in physics journals. | |
mdwtools | 1.05.4 | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | This collection of tools includes support for @, a doafter command, footnotes, mathenv for various alignment in maths, list handling, trivial maths oddments, rewrite of LaTeX's tabular and array environments, verbatim handling, and syntax diagrams. |
memoir | 1.3a | 2004/01/04 00:22:36 | Provides a variety of predefined page, chapter and caption styles and easy means of creating new ones. There is an easy way of specifying page margins etc., and there are options for printing trimming marks or generating an old fashioned typewriter appearance (double spacing, ragged right, no hyphenation, typewriter font). Documents can use 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt or 14pt as the normal font size. |
metaobj | 2003/08/02 04:05:44 | METAOBJ is a large metapost package providing high-level objects. It implements many of PSTricks' features for node connections, but also trees, matrices, and many other things. It more or less contains boxes.mp and rboxes.mp. There is a large (albeit not complete) documentation distributed with the package. It is easily extensible with new objects. | |
metapost-examples | 2001/08/24 14:34:30 | These are a few (hundred) example pictures drawn with metapost, ranging from very simple (lines and circles) to rather intricate (uncommon geometric transformations, fractals, bitmap, etc.). | |
metapost | 2002/11/15 16:36:46 | A tool based on MetaFont for producing precise technical illustrations, creating scalable PostScript instead of bitmaps. | |
metasupp | 1.0 | 2002/12/19 20:50:46 | Metafont sources for developers |
method | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | This LaTeX package supports the typesetting of programming language method and variable declarations. It includes an option to typeset in French. | |
metre | 1.0 | 2001/12/30 21:03:52 | |
mex | 1.05 | 2003/01/13 19:43:30 | MeX is an adaptation of Plain TeX and LaTeX209 formats to the Polish language and to the Polish printing customs. It contains a complete set of MetaFont sources of Polish fonts, hyphenation rules for the Polish language and sources of formats. |
mf-ps | 2000/03/17 12:51:02 | A MetaFont package including: epstomf a tiny AWK script for converting EPS files into MF lingo; and mftoeps for generating (encapsulated) PostScript files readable, e.g., by CorelDRAW!, Adobe Illustrator and Fontographer. MetaFont writes PostScript code to a LOG-file, and from the LOG-file the code can be extracted by either TeX or AWK. | |
mff | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | A package to provide something similar to `multiple master' fonts, but using MetaFont; you specify a font by a set of MetaFont parameters, and TeX makes up an mf file to generate the required font; this package is not integrated with NFSS (or MakeTeXTFM) yet fun. | |
mflogo | 2002/10/06 13:33:55 | LaTeX package and font definition file to access the Knuthian `logo' fonts described in `The MetaFontbook' and the MetaFont and logos in LaTeX documents. (CTAN:fonts/mflogo) | |
mfmisc | 1.0 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | |
mfnfss | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Font description files to use extra fonts like yinit and ygoth. | |
mfpic | 0.6c | 2004/01/03 23:08:41 | |
mft | 1.0 | 2001/12/19 12:40:54 | |
mftinc | 1.0 | 2001/05/16 16:11:29 | |
mhequ | 2000/09/20 10:38:21 | MHequ simplifies the creation of multi-column equation environments, and to tag the equations therein. It supports sub-numbers of blocks of equations (like (1.2a), (1.2b), etc) and references to each equation individually (1.2a) or to the whole block (1.2). The labels can be shown in draft mode. | |
mhs | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | ||
midnight | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | ||
miller | 1.0 | 2003/04/22 10:46:16 | |
miniplot | 2001/07/02 15:24:04 | MiniPlot is a package to help the LaTeX user typeset EPS figures using an easy-to-use interface. Figures can be arranged as one-figure-only or as a collection of figures in columns and rows which can itself contain sub-figures in columns and rows. Wrapped figures are also supported. This package provides commands to display a framebox instead of the figure as the graphics package does already but additionally it writes useful information such as the label and scaling factor into these boxes. | |
minitoc | 32 | 2003/03/22 10:59:38 | |
minutes | 1.6 | 2001/11/13 14:32:42 | Supports the creation of a collection of minutes. Features include: Support of tasks (who, schedule, what, time of finishing; possibility of creating a list of open tasks; inclusion of open tasks from other minutes; Support of attachments; Support of schedule dates (in planning: support of calendar.sty); Different versions (`secret parts'); Macros for votes and decisions (list of decisions). |
misc209 | 1.0 | 2003/02/19 23:30:15 | A collection of LaTeX style files from 2.09 days which still seem to work with LaTeX2e |
mla-paper | 2003/06/26 08:02:00 | This package formats articles using the MLA style. The aim students and other academics in the humanities properly typeset their materials with minimal effort on their part. | |
mltex | 3.14159 | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | MLTeX, the multilingual TeX extension from Michael J. Ferguson. |
mnras | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | Styles for the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. | |
montex | 2003/04/09 10:13:28 | MonTeX provides Mongolian support for LaTeX2e (now Cyrillic, but soon also Classical Mongolian). | |
morehelp | alpha | 2000/06/06 16:18:54 | A package to enhance LaTeX2e error messages by providing descriptions of the possible causes including those that may not be obvious. This style is effectively an online substitute for error lists found in the LaTeX books, although it cannot completely replace them. Only true LaTeX errors are included; TeX errors are beyond the reach of ordinary macros. |
moresize | 1.9 | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | A package for using font sizes up to 35.88pt, for example with the new EC fonts. New commands \HUGE and \ssmall for selecting font sizes are provided together with some options working around current LaTeX2e shortcomings in using big font sizes. The package also provides options for improving the typesetting of paragraphs (or headlines) with embedded math expressions at font sizes above 17.28pt. |
moreverb | 2002/05/20 23:19:23 | A verbatim mode that can handle TABs properly, can number lines, can number lines in an included file, can produce boxed verbatims, etc. | |
morse | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | ||
mp3d | 2003/08/17 02:13:00 | ||
mparhack | 1.3a | 2003/06/04 00:30:06 | Implements a workaround for the LaTeX bug that marginpars will sometimes come out at the wrong margin. |
mpattern | 2001/07/11 22:06:44 | A package for defining and using patterns in MetaPost, using the Pattern Color Space available in PostScript Level 2. | |
msc | 1.0 | 2002/07/08 22:43:32 | |
mslapa | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | LaTeX and BibTeX style files for a respectably close approximation to APA (American Psychological Association) citation and reference style. | |
mtgreek | 1.1+ | 2000/12/04 13:07:04 | This package is an add-on to the |
multenum | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | ||
multi | 1.0 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Header file to send with PS files to do n-up layouts |
multibbl | 1.0 | 2002/06/06 00:55:36 | |
multibib | 1.1 | 2003/03/28 16:16:27 | Allows the creation of references to multiple bibliographies within one document. It thus provides complementary functionality to packages like bibunits and chapterbib, which allow the creation of one bibliography for multiple, but different parts of the document. It is compatible with inlinebib, natbib, and koma-script. |
multicap | 2002/05/12 14:10:00 | This is a package for formating captions inside multicols. | |
multirow | 1.5 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Includes an option for specifying multirows with a ``natural'' column width. |
multitoc | 2.00 | 2003/04/06 21:28:33 | A LaTeX package which automatically sets only the table of contents, list of figures and list of tables in two or more columns. The number of columns can be configured. Uses the |
musictex | 2002/01/10 18:51:19 | ||
musixlyr | 1.0 | 2003/02/12 13:29:10 | |
musixtex | 2003/02/19 08:19:11 | ||
muthesis | 2003/08/26 16:05:00 | Includes thesis and project report document classes from the University of Manchester's Department of Computer Science. | |
mwcls | 0.65 | 2003/05/13 00:58:32 | Standard LaTeX classes, adapted to the Polish printing customs. |
mwrite | 1.0 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | |
mxd | 1.0 | 2002/06/06 00:48:39 | |
mxedruli | 2002/06/06 00:50:51 | Georgian fonts including the xedruli Alphabet and the Xucuri-Alphabet. |