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Available packages starting with S


Package NameVer.DateDescription
sae 1.0   2000/11/16 12:35:58    
sanskrit   2002/03/14 21:51:20   A font and pre-processor suitable for the production of documents written in Sanskrit.  
sauter   2001/12/04 22:19:53   Extensions to the CM fonts, providing a parameterization scheme to build fonts at true design sizes.  
sauterfonts   2000/02/29 15:55:00   A package providing font definition files (plus a replacement for the package exscale) to access many of the fonts in Sauter's (Knappen's, Holin's) collection. These fonts are available in all point sizes and look nicer for such ``intermediate'' document sizes as 11pt. The package sbbm is an alternative to access the bbm fonts, a nice collection of blackboard bold symbols.  
savefnmark 1.0   2000/05/15 14:37:39   Sometimes the same footnote applies to more than one location in a table. With this package the mark of a footnote can be saved into a name, and re-used subsequently without creating another footnote at the bottom.  
savesym   2003/06/11 08:43:00   There are a number of symbols (e.g., \Square) that are defined by multiple packages. In order to typeset all the variants in a document, we have to give the glyph a unique name. To do that, we define \savesymbol{XXX}, which renames a symbol from \XXX to \origXXX, and \restoresymbols{yyy}{XXX}, which renames \origXXX back to \XXX and defines a new command, \yyyXXX, which corresponds to the most recently loaded version of \XXX.  
savetrees 1.0   2002/07/27 22:39:44    
scale   2000/02/29 15:55:00   A package to scale a document by sqrt(2) (or by \magstep{2}). This is useful if you are preparing a document on, for example, A5 paper and want to print on A4 paper to achieve a better resolution.  
scalebar   2003/05/19 14:37:44   This is a small package to create scalebars for maps, diagrams or photos. It was designed for use with cave maps but can be used for anything from showing a scalebar in kilometers for topographic maps to a scalebar in micrometers for an electron microscope image.  
schedule   2000/04/06 10:37:33   A package intended to automatically format weekly schedules using LaTeX's picture environment. It requires the packages calc and color. Its main feature is the accuracy with which appointments are represented: boxes drawn to represent a particular appointment are accurate to the minute -- i.e., a 31 minute appointment will have a box 1/60th longer than a 30 minute appointment. A number of features are included to allow the user to customize the output.  
sciwordconv   2003/02/21 01:07:00   These macros allows you to combine the power of the graphical front-end of Scientific Word/Scientific WorkPlace (SW/SWP) with one's own favourite TeX compiler (for example, MiKTeX). Currently included support for russian language, other languages can be handled easily.  
script   2000/02/29 15:55:00    
sectsty 2.0.2   2002/03/14 21:34:00   A LaTeX2e package to help change the style of any or all of LaTeX's sectional headers in the article, book, or report classes. Examples include the addition of rules above or below a section title.  
semantic   2002/07/04 15:12:39   Eases the typesetting of notation of semantics and compilers. Includes T-diagrams, various derivation symbols and inference trees.  
semaphor   2000/07/02 23:44:22    
seminar   2002/10/06 13:33:55   Produce overhead slides (transparencies) with bells and whistles.  
setspace 6.7   2000/12/04 13:07:04   Support for double, one-and-a-half, and other line spacings based on pt size.  
sf298   2000/04/06 10:37:33   A LaTeX package for generating a completed standard form 298 (Rev. 8-98) as prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18 for report documentation as part of a document delivered, for instance, on a U.S. government contract.  
sffms   2003/03/22 10:59:41    
shadbox   2000/02/29 15:55:00   A tool to shade the background of any box -- text, figure, table etc. -- using Plain (\La)TeX.  
shadethm   2000/11/02 12:37:39   Package that allows declarations of the form \newshadetheorem{thm}{Theorem} or \newshadetheorem{}[]{} or \newshadetheorem{}{}[] to produce shaded boxes from the usual command \begin{theorem} \ldots \end{theorem}. The color package is required.  
shapepar 2.0   2003/01/23 13:00:44   \shapepar is a macro to typeset paragraphs in a specific shape. The size is adjusted automatically so that the entire shape is filled with text. There can be no displayed math, and no "\vadjust" material (no "\vspace"). These macros work for both LaTeX and plain TeX. For LaTeX, specify \usepackage{shapepar}, or for Plain, \input shapepar.sty.  
shortlst   2003/04/30 22:07:21   Provides four environments for typesetting lists of short items which may be layout horizontally as well.  
shorttoc   2002/04/13 11:54:50   A package to create another table of contents with a different depth, useful in large documents where a detailed table of contents should be accompanied by a shorter one, giving only a general overview of the main topics in the document.  
showdim   2000/02/29 15:55:00   A package for LaTeX providing a number of commands for printing the value of a TeX dimension. For example, \tenthpt{\baselineskip} yields the current value of \baselineskip rounded to the nearest tenth of a point.  
showlabels 1.4a   2003/01/29 09:03:23   This package helps you keep track of all the labels you define, by putting the name of new labels into the margin whenever the \label command is used. The package allows you to do the same thing for other commands. The only one for which this is obviously useful is the \cite command, but it's easy to do it for others, such as the \ref or \begin commands.  
siam   2000/03/28 11:13:53    
sidecap 1.5d   2003/06/15 23:19:52   Defines environments called SCfigure and SCtable (analogous to figure and table) to typeset captions sideways. Options include outercaption, innercaption, leftcaption and rightcaption.  
siggraph   2000/04/06 10:37:33   Document class for formatting papers according to the specifications for submission to the annual ACM Siggraph conference.  
simpsons   2000/02/29 15:55:00    
SIunits 1.25   2002/08/04 16:27:18   Typeset physical units following the rules of the International System of Units (SI).  
skak 1.2   2004/01/03 23:08:15   This package can be used to typeset chess games using PGN and show diagrams of the current board in the document. The package builds on work by Piet Tutelaers - the main novelty is the use of PGN for input instead of the more cumbersome coordinate notation (g1f3 becomes the more readable Nf3 in PGN).  
skull 1.0   2002/05/01 21:13:44    
slantsc   2004/01/04 00:11:19   This package enables the use of small capitals in different font shapes, e.g., slanted or bold slanted for all fonts that provide appropriate font shapes.  
slashbox   2000/04/06 10:37:33   Draw an oblique (slash) line in a `tabular' column in LaTeX.  
slidenotes 2.27   2000/02/29 15:55:00   A class package for the easy production of a slide collection with annotations. Builds on the report style (or variants).  
slideshow 1.0   2001/09/03 02:37:57    
smalltableof   2003/05/28 20:49:00   This package allows you to create a list of figures and list of tables in a chapter named "List" that contains separate sections for each list of figures, tables, etc.  
smartref 1.6   2002/02/28 12:21:57   Extend the capability of the the \ref command: whenever a label is set this package records, along with the label, the values of some other counters (which, can be selected by the user). Then, the value of these counters can be recalled with a command similar to \pageref. Moreover, this package adds a command (\s[name]ref) for each counter added that displays something only if the value of the [name] counter is changed from when the label is set.  
smflatex   2000/06/06 16:18:54   The Societe mathematique de France provides a set of classes, packages and bibtex styles that are used in its publications. They are based on AMS classes (whose code is sometimes recopied) and mainly "upward-compatible". Their main features are: quite different design; new environments for typesetting some information in two languages (altabstract, alttitle, altkeywords); if necessary, use of babel (option frenchb) and deactivation of some features of frenchb. Includes smfart.cls, smfbook.cls, smfplain.bst, smfalpha.bst, amongst opthers.  
snapshot 1.14   2002/03/14 21:34:01   The snapshot package helps the owner of a LaTeX document obtain a list of the external dependencies of the document, in a form that can be embedded at the top of the document. It provides a snapshot of the current processing context of the document, insofar as it can be determined from inside LaTeX. If a document contains such a dependency list, then it becomes possible to arrange that the document be processed always with the same versions of everything, in order to ensure the same output. This could be useful for someone wanting to keep a LaTeX document on hand and consistently reproduce an identical DVI file from it, on the fly; or for someone wanting to shield a document during the final stages of its production cycle from unexpected side effects of routine upgrades to the TeX system.  
songbook 3.1   2004/01/04 00:11:22   The Songbook style provides an all purpose songbook style for LaTeX2e. The package allows for three types of output from a single input file: words and chords books for the musicians to play from, words only songbooks for the congregation to sing from, and overhead transparency masters for congregational use. The style will also print a table of contents, an index sorted by title and first line, and an index sorted by key. It attempts to handle songs in multiple keys, as well as songs in multiple languages.  
soul 1.3   2003/06/23 10:30:06   Provides hyphenatable spacing out (letterspacing), underlining, striking out, etc., using the TeX hyphenation algorithm to find the proper hyphens automatically. The package also provides a mechanism that can be used to implement similar tasks, that have to treat text syllable by syllable. This is shown in two examples.  
soyombo 1.0   2002/06/06 00:43:30    
spie   2002/10/26 17:49:36   LaTeX class for formatting SPIE Proceedings manuscripts (Version 2.71) together with sample article.tex and PDF of formatted manuscript, which contains formatting instructions.  
splitindex   2003/01/17 00:11:55   SplitIndex consists of a LaTeX package, splitidx, and a small program, splitindex. The package may be used to produce one index or several indices. Without using the program the number of indices is limited by the number of TeXs output streams. But using the program you may use even more than 16 indices. At this case, splitidx outputs only a single file \jobname.idx and the program splits that file into several raw index files and calls your favorite index processor for each of it.  
sprite   2000/02/29 15:55:00    
srcltx   2002/01/29 22:43:35   Provides a special insertion into generated .dvi files allowing one to jump from the .dvi file to the .tex source and back again (given a .dvi viewer that supports this, such as Yap or xdvi-22.38). This was originally written by Aleksander Simonic, the author of the WinEdt shell.  
sseq   2004/01/04 00:11:23    
ssqquote 1.3   2000/04/06 10:37:33   LaTeX package and font definition file to access the `cmssq' fonts, i.e. Computer Modern Sans Serif Quotation Style. The LaTeX package also defines a chapterquotes environment as an example application.  
stack 1.0   2002/01/29 22:43:32    
startex   2000/07/02 23:44:22   A TeX format designed to help students write short reports and essays. It provides the user with a suitable set of commands for such a task. It is also more robust than plain TeX and LaTeX.  
statistik   2003/04/22 10:46:27    
stdclsdv 1.1   2002/05/21 16:16:26   The stdclsdv package is designed for package writers who need to know what sectioning divsions are provided by the document's class. It also provides a version of \CheckCommand that sets a flag rather than printing a warning.  
stmaryrd   2002/05/20 15:22:36    
sttools   2001/03/23 13:28:49   A collection of tools and macros, including  
subeqn   2002/10/26 17:50:07    
subeqnarray   2002/10/26 17:49:32    
subfigure 2.1   2002/07/31 22:50:55   Provides support for the manipulation and reference of small or `sub' figures and tables within a single figure or table environment. It is convenient to use this package when your subfigures are to be separately captioned, referenced, or whose captions are to be included in the List-of-Figures. A new \subfigure command is introduced which can be used inside a figure environment for each subfigure. An optional first argument is used as the caption for that subfigure.  
subfloat   2004/01/04 00:11:23   This package enables sub-numbering of different floats (figures and tables) similar to the subequations-environment of the amsmath package. It is not the same as the subfigure package which generates sub-figures within one normal figure.  
substr   2000/06/19 14:48:58   This package provides commands to deal with substrings in strings: Determine if a string contains a substring, count appearances of a substring in a string.  
supertabular 4.1a   2002/10/26 17:49:33   Generally longtable is a little easier to use and more flexible.  
svn   2004/01/04 00:11:24    
swebib   2000/10/16 15:27:36    
swimgraf 1.0   2002/05/30 18:18:00    
symbols   2003/09/30 02:34:00    
syntax 1.0   2000/04/06 10:37:33    
synttree   2000/02/29 15:55:00   A package to typeset syntactic trees such as those used in Chomsky's Generative grammar, based on a description of the structure of the tree.  


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