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Package Name | Ver. | Date | Description |
t-angles | 2001/07/02 15:24:04 | A LaTeX2e style for drawing tangles, trees, Hopf algebra operations and other pictures. It is based on emTeX or TPIC \special's. Therefore, it can be used with the most popular drivers, including emTeX drivers, dviwin, xdvi and dvips. | |
t2 | 2003/09/06 15:57:01 | ||
tabbing | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | A package offering a variant of the tabbing environment which allows accented letters. | |
tableaux | 1.0 | 2002/01/29 22:41:08 | |
tabvar | 2003/04/22 11:07:50 | ||
tap | 0.77 | 2001/07/30 14:19:26 | The package offers a simple notation for pretty complex tables (to Michael J. Ferguson's credit); with PostScript allows shaded/coloured tables, diagonal rules, etc; supposed to work with both Plain and LaTeX; moreover, an AWK converter from ASCII semigraphic tables to TAP notation is included. |
taupin | 1.0 | 2002/02/15 16:39:00 | |
tcldoc | 2003/07/28 10:02:28 | ||
tds | 2003/08/26 19:38:22 | ||
technics | 1.0 | 2001/11/13 14:45:58 | |
template | 1.0 | 2000/08/11 15:43:54 | |
tengwar | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | Font for typesetting Tolkien Tengwar script, by Michael Urban. | |
teubner | 2003/09/11 08:47:49 | ||
tex-ps | 2003/02/05 15:00:23 | TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons: transformations of EPS files, prepress preparation, color separation, mirror, etc. | |
tex-refs | 2003/04/12 19:16:14 | ||
tex | 3.14159 | 2004/01/03 00:21:00 | TeX |
tex4htk | 2003-04-13 | 2003/09/19 04:28:21 | TeX4htk |
texdraw | 2000/07/02 23:44:22 | ||
texinfo | 4.0 | 2004/01/06 10:29:01 | Produces online or printed output from a single source. Home page: http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo. |
texlive-base | 1.0 | 2003/04/25 21:56:30 | These files are regarded as basic for any TeX system, covering plain TeX macros, Computer Modern fonts, and configuration for common drivers. |
texlive-source | 2003/09/21 20:38:34 | ||
texlogos | 2003/06/27 09:26:00 | TeXlogos defines an assortment of frequently used logos not contained in base LaTeX itself. The METAFONT, METAPOST, AMS, BibTeX and SliTeX logos are defined, as long as you have the appropriate CM/Logo/AMS fonts. Currency symbols which do not require TCRM fonts are defined: Euro, Cent, Yen, Won, Naira. The C++ logo with the '+' signs properly positioned is defined. The logo of the Vienna University Business Administration Center (BWZ) is defined! | |
texmf | 1970/01/01 01:00:00 | ||
texpower | 2003/05/30 09:41:00 | TeXPower is a bundle of packages intended to provide an `all-inclusive' environment for designing pdf `screen presentations' to be viewed in full-screen mode, especially for projecting `online' with a video beamer. | |
texshade | 1.5 | 2002/03/31 16:28:15 | TeXshade is an alignment shading software completely written in TeX/LaTeX which can process multiple sequence alignments in the .MSF and the .ALN file format. It provides in addition to common shading algorithms special shading modes featuring functional aspects, e.g. charge or hydropathy, and a plenitude of commands for handling shading colors, text styles, labels, legends and even allows the user to define completely new sha- ding modes. TeXshade combines highest flexibility and the habitual TeX output quality--with reasonable time expenditure. |
texsis | 2.17 | 2001/05/17 11:31:05 | TeXsis is a Plain TeX macro package which provides useful features for typesetting research papers and related documents. For example, it includes support specifically for: Automatic numbering of equations, figures, tables and references; Simplified control of type sizes, line spacing, footnotes, running headlines and footlines, and tables of contents, figures and tables; Specialized document formats for research papers, preprints and ``e-prints,'' conference proceedings, theses, books, referee reports, letters, and memoranda; Simplified means of constructing an index for a book or thesis; Easy to use double column formatting; Specialized environments for lists, theorems and proofs, centered or non-justified text, and listing computer code; Specialized macros for easily constructing ruled tables. TeXsis was originally developed for physicists, but others may also find it useful. It is completely compatible with Plain TeX. |
textfit | 2000/11/21 12:10:04 | Package to support fitting of text to a given width or height by scaling the font. | |
textmerg | 2002/05/02 11:15:55 | Useful, for example, in mail merge. | |
textopo | 1.1 | 2002/04/22 13:24:16 | A LaTeX package for setting shaded and annotated membrane protein topology plots and helical wheels. |
textpos | 1.2 | 2003/09/11 08:53:47 | A package to facilitate placement of boxes at absolute positions on the LaTeX page, and useful for large-format conference posters, for example. |
thumb | 1.0 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Can be used to place thumb marks in books, manuals,and reference maunals. |
thumbpdf | 3.4 | 2003/06/06 14:36:00 | Provides support, using Perl, for thumbnails in |
ticket | 0.3c | 2002/01/10 18:52:08 | Provides an easy to handle interface to produce visiting cards, labels for your files, stickers, pins and other stuff for your office, conferences etc. All you need is a definition of your "ticket" included in a ticket definition file and the two commands \ticketdefault and \ticket. |
timesht | 2003/04/06 21:17:33 | ||
timing | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | ||
tipa | 2003/01/28 20:21:04 | ||
titlefoot | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Provides the capability of adding keywords (with a \keywords command), a running title (\runningtitle), AMS subject classifications (\amssubj), and an ``authors footnote'' as footnotes to the title or first page of a document. Works with any class for which the \thanks macro works (e.g., article). | |
titlesec | 2.3.5 | 2002/04/22 13:24:19 | A package providing an interface to sectioning commands for selection from various title styles. E.g., marginal titles and to change the font of all headings with a single command, also providing simple one-step page styles. Also includes a package to change the page styles when there are floats in a page. You may assign headers/footers to individual floats, too. |
titling | 2.1 | 2002/02/23 21:04:38 | The titling package provides control over the typesetting of the \maketitle command and \thanks commands, and makes the \title, \author and \date information permanently available. Multiple titles are allowed in a single document. New titling elements can be added and a titlepage title can be centered on a physical page. |
tldoc-czechslovak | 2003/09/25 15:09:52 | The main documentation of the TeXLive package in PDF and HTML in Czech | |
tldoc-deutsch | 1.0 | 2003/09/25 15:09:52 | The main documentation of the TeXLive package in PDF and HTML in German |
tldoc-english | 1.0 | 2003/09/25 15:09:52 | The main TeX Live documentation. Online at http://tug.org/texlive. |
tldoc-french | 1.0 | 2003/09/25 15:09:52 | The main documentation of the TeXLive package in PDF and HTML in French |
tldoc-polish | 1.0 | 2003/10/16 08:14:15 | The main documentation of the TeXLive package in PDF and HTML in Polish. |
tldoc-russian | 1.0 | 2003/09/29 20:16:12 | The main documentation of the TeXLive package in PDF and HTML in Russian |
tmmath | 2.1 | 2001/11/20 21:51:22 | Support for typesetting math in a style that suits the Adobe Times text fonts. Relies on non-free fonts from Micropress Inc. |
tocbibind | 1.5f | 2003/02/05 09:48:33 | Automatically adds the bibliography and/or the index and/or the contents, etc., to the Table of Contents listing. |
tocloft | 2.3b | 2003/01/23 13:05:42 | Provides control over the typography of the Table of Contents, List of Figures and List of Tables, and the ability to create new `List of ...'. |
tocvsec2 | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Provides control over sectional numbering (without recourse to starred sectional commands) and/or the entries in the Table of Contents on a section by section basis. | |
todo | 1.0 | 2002/10/05 16:26:20 | |
tokenizer | 2003/06/03 17:30:01 | A tekonizer for LaTeX. \GetTokens{Target1}{Target2}{Source} Splits Source into two tokens at the first encounter of a comma. The first token is saved in a newly created command with the name passed as Target1 and the second token likewise. \TrimSpaces{Token} removes leading and trailing spaces from Token. | |
toolbox | 3.3 | 2004/01/04 00:12:36 | |
tools | 1.0 | 2001/10/08 18:20:11 | |
topfloat | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | ||
totpages | 1.1 | 2003/02/08 22:58:34 | |
tracking | 2000/02/29 15:55:00 | Automatically adjust spaces between symbols in words or phrases to fit them into a specified length. Any chain of symbols (including spaces) in the current font may be treated. | |
trajan | 2001/01/10 17:51:15 | Provides fonts based on the capitals carved on the Trajan column in Rome in 114 AD. Many typographers think these rank first among the Roman's artistic legacy. The font is uppercase letters together with some punctuation and analphabetics; no lowercase or digits. | |
tree-dvips | 1.0 | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | |
treetex | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | Allows the automatic layout of n-ary trees with arbitrary node sizes in LaTeX, using an external C program to do much of the hard work. | |
trfsigns | 2000/04/06 10:37:33 | A package for typesetting various transformation signs for Laplace transforms, Fourier transforms and others. | |
trsym | 1.0 | 2001/01/02 11:31:13 | |
truetype | 2003/10/31 14:33:28 | ||
ttex | 1.0 | 2002/06/08 13:47:27 | |
tugboat | 2003/10/07 16:06:25 | ||
twoup | 2001/04/10 15:40:22 | The package offers considerable flexibility as to paper size and layout, producing a standard dvi file not involving additional dvi or PostScript filters. | |
txfonts | 1.0 | 2003/01/06 01:15:51 | Virtual and Type 1 fonts and macros for texts typeset using Adobe Times (or URW NimbusRomNo9L) with full set of TeX and AMS symbols. Available for OT1, T1, TS1, and LY1 encodings. |
type1cm | 2002/09/15 16:06:43 | A package that removes the restriction when using scalable versions of the cm fonts ( Bakoma, or versions from BSR/Y&Y, or True Type versions from Kinch, PCTeX, etc.) where LaTeX restricts the cm fonts to discrete sizes. | |
Type1fonts | 2003/03/28 12:11:07 | ||
typedref | 1.0 | 2001/10/08 15:53:42 | |
typespec | 2000/07/02 23:44:22 | Creates a type specimen page with useful information about the typeface. | |
typogrid | 2004/01/04 00:12:37 |