A Complete Mathematical Typesetting
Environment New - Supplement B - Fraktur & Script >> With the completion of Supplements A & B the MathTimePro fonts now provide a complete math typesetting environment. These fonts may be used in place of Computer Modern fonts (the standard TeX fonts) in any LaTeX or TeX document. Just add a line or two to your source document, and Computer Modern fonts will be replaced by MathTimeProfessional fonts. Show a PDF comparing MTPro fonts with CM fonts
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Supplement A - AMS Fonts MathTimeProfessional Supplement A fonts provide the additional symbols from the American Math Society's msam and msbm fonts. Like the MathTimeProfessional fonts these are provided in three design sizes: Additionally, there are four Blackboard fonts (Holey Roman Bold shown below), each at three design sizes: Supplement A Guide
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Supplement B - Fraktur & Script MathTimeProfessional Supplement B fonts provide the Math Fraktur and Math Script fonts, as well as bold versions. Like the MathTimeProfessional fonts these are provided in three design sizes. The design of Math Fraktur aims to preserve the character of fraktur, while attempting to make some of the letters more distinguishable, especially when used in isolation. A few letters have alternate versions, indicated in brackets, and there are also dotless i and j. The Math Script font has the character of traditional mathematics script fonts (rather than the character of a "calligraphic" font), but with special attention given to certain letters, like I, J, and S, that need to be easily recognizable in isolation. There are several variant letters in this font, shown in brackets, aside from dotless i and j. Supplement B Guide (PDF)
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