Additional Products
- MathTimeProfessional fonts -- $169 (Download only)
MathTimePro Plus (incl Supplements A & B) -- $245 Special price
$79 upgrade from
MathTime fonts
- MathTimeProfessional fonts and PCTeX Professional
-- $349 Buy
- MathTimeProfessional fonts are a combination of Times New Roman fonts
and specially designed math symbols for use with LaTeX and Plain TeX.
This font set may be used in place of Computer Modern fonts. With one
additional line in your LaTeX or TeX source file, you can transform your
document to use MathTimeProfessional fonts, giving it a crisp,
professional look. View a sample
document using MathTimeProfessional fonts. More
about MathTimeProfessional fonts.
When ordering MathTimeProfessional
(MTPro) fonts, refer to the following table to see which options apply to the
product you own.
Product owned |
201MTP |
202MTP |
211MTPA |
221MTPB |
222MTPB |
225MTPAB |
231MTPX |
201MTPU |
PCTeX v5 Professional |
x |
x |
s |
PCTeX v5 Publisher |
v |
x |
x |
s |
PCTeX v5 Writer |
v |
x |
x |
s |
MTPro Supplement A |
x |
Non-PCTeX system |
x |
x |
x |
s |
p |
MathTime, MathTime Plus |
x |
x |
s |
x |
x - Recommended
v - May be ordered only if you
already have a PCTeX Writer or Publisher license
s - Recommended,
includes Supplements A and B
p - If
ordering MTPro Plus, do not order other options as this includes MTPro and
Supplements A & B
Supplement A - AMS fonts for MathTimeProfessional fonts -- $50 (Download
MathTimeProfessional fonts) Buy
- This is the first of two supplements to the MathTimeProfessional fonts.
Supplement A contains the symbols in the American Mathematical Society's msam
and msbm fonts, but redesigned to match Times New Roman fonts.
Supplement A also contains several Blackboard bold fonts. View a sample
document using MathTimeProfessional Supplement A fonts. More
about MathTimeProfessional fonts. Note: Supplement A must be used
with MathTimeProfessional fonts.
Supplement B - Fraktur and Script fonts for MathTimeProfessional fonts
-- $39
Special price (Download
MathTimeProfessional fonts) Buy
- This is the second of two supplements to the MathTimeProfessional fonts.
Supplement B contains the math fraktur and math script fonts. View a sample
document using MathTimeProfessional Supplement B fonts. More
about MathTimeProfessional fonts. Note: Supplement B must be used
with MathTimeProfessional fonts.
The Table Macro Package:
Buy Now
- Making tables can be one of the most complex TeX
tasks, but with the Table Macro Package, constructing even the most
elaborate tables is a snap. Table also works with LaTeX. Headings may be
placed over single columns or groups of columns. Table entries may contain
equations or several rows of text. Horizontal and vertical lines may be
drawn wholly or partially across the table. The Table Manual contains many
examples and exercises.
Buy Now
- Use PiCTeX, by Michael Wichura, to typeset graphs
and diagrams, plot points into curves, or generate labeled axes. With
PiCTeX: (1) Figures become an integral part of the typesetting process. You
can avoid having to leave the proper amount of space in your document for
material that has to be created on some external device and later pasted
into the finished product. (2) All of TeX's formatting capabilities are
available for annotating your figures. (3) Since typeset figures are
embedded in the DVI, these figures have device independent characteristics.
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