PCTeXv5 Home Products Support Company

If you cannot find an answer to your question on this page please click here to fill out a help request form.

Please select your version of PCTeX:

This can be found by going to PCTeX's "Help" menu and selecting "About"

PCTeX v.5

PCTeX v.4.2

PCTeX v.4.0

PCTeX v.3

Older versions

PCTeX v.4.2

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PCTeX v.4.0

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PCTeX v.3

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Older versions

Personal TeX no longer provides support for these versions.  Please take advantage of our generous upgrading options.

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You may also to consult the following helpful PDF files which can be read with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (click here to download):

BibTeXing: Documentation for BibTeX.
Designing BibTeX Styles: Documentation on designing your own BibTeX styles.
Documentation for MakeIndex.
Using graphics in the multi-column environment by Anita Hoover, consultant for Personal TeX, Inc.
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Problems and solutions follow.
You can use your browser's search function to locate the information you are looking for.

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Download the PCTeX 4.2.05 Update

This will update your PCTeX 4.2 program to the latest version.  Download the file and place it on your Desktop.  Double-click on the icon to perform the update.  The update program will ask you to verify that it has found the correct PCTeX folder.  Click Open and the update will be applied.

To update a network copy of PCTeX 4.2, you must run the update program from a client which has full access to the PCTeX folder on the server. When you are asked to verify the correct PCTeX folder, direct the update program to the PCTeX folder on the server.

Click here to download the PCTeX 4.2.05 update.

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Download the PCTeX 4.01 Update

This will update your PCTeX 4.0 program to version 4.01.  Download the file and place it on your Desktop.  Double-click on the icon to perform the update.  The update program will ask you to verify that it has found the correct PCTeX folder.  Click Open and the update will be applied.

To update a network copy of PCTeX 4.0, you must run the update program from a client which has full access to the PCTeX folder on the server. When you are asked to verify the correct PCTeX folder, direct the update program to the PCTeX folder on the server.

 Click here to download the PCTeX 4.01 update.

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Download the PCTeX 4.0 Editor Update

This will update your PCTeX 4.0 editor, making it operate faster on large files, and eliminating the bug with extra line spaces.  Download the file and place it on your Desktop.  Double-click on the icon to perform the update.  The update program will ask you to verify that it has found the correct PCTeX folder.  Click Open and the update will be applied.

To update a network copy of PCTeX 4.0, you must run the update program from a client which has full access to the PCTeX folder on the server. When you are asked to verify the correct PCTeX folder, direct the update program to the PCTeX folder on the server.

 Click here to download the PCTeX 4.0 editor update.

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LaTeX source files more than 1 year old!

The latest version of LaTeX is dated December 2001.

If you already have this version you can ignore errors about LaTeX being out-of-date. Simply press the Proceed Button and ignore the error message at the end of typesetting. Your LaTeX format file will have been created and is usable without further warning messages.

Otherwise download the basic LaTeX distribution (1.1MB) here.

This download will copy the LaTeX files into your PCTeX folder.  To complete the installation, you must initialize a new format file.  To do this, start PCTeX and choose Typeset..INITeX.  In the INITeX window, choose LaTeX.

In the "Path to input files" box, enter <path>\LATEX, where <path> is the location of your PCTeXv4 installation -- on our system <path> is C:\PCTeXv4, and the entry in the "Path to input files" box is C:\PCTeXv4\LATEX.

Click the INITeX button and the format file will be created.  The next time you typeset a LaTeX document the latest LaTeX version will be used.

To install Babel (for multiple language usage) install the above LaTeX download and then click here for the additional Babel files (2.0MB).

To complete the installation of Babel, do the following:

  1. Copy the hyphenation patterns in the folder \LaTeX\Babel\hyphen you will be using into the folder \LaTeX.  For example, to use Italian and Finnish, copy the files ithyph.tex and fihyph.tex from \LaTeX\Babel\hyphen and place them in the \LaTeX folder.

  3. Modify the file \LaTeX\language.dat.  Use this file as a model.  Add the entries for the languages you will be using.  For example, to specify Italian and Finnish, the file should have the two lines:

  4. italian    ithyph.tex
    finnish    fihyph.tex
  5. Initialize LaTeX as described above.  The languages you have selected will be preloaded in your LaTeX format.  See the file \LaTeX\Babel\babel.dvi for further usage details.
(Technical note: the basic LaTeX files include the LaTeX macros and the packages AMSLaTeX, Cyrillic, Graphics and Tools.  The full LaTeX distribution includes all of the LaTeX systems, though many of these are not installed.  The various systems are in folders within the LATEX folder and the documentation and complete sources are included.  You are welcome to explore these systems; however, our technical support staff will not be able assist you installing and working with them.)

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PCTeX32 v3.x Corrective Font Set

Some of the fonts that came with PCTEX32 v3.x do not print correctly on a small number of certain printers. These problems have been corrected in the font set offered here. This update contains the current, problem-free font set, for users who have complications viewing or printing DVI files showing jumbled characters, or missing characters (especially the HP DeskJet, or OfficeJet line) (not green characters - see font substitution on FAQ page) Simply run the "ttfonts.exe" program, and point it to the TTFONTS subdirectory (if you installed into the default subdirectory it would be C:\PCTEX32\TTFONTS.) It will overwrite the malfunctioning fonts, and your problem should be gone the next time you open PCTEX32.
Click here to download the corrective program, "ttfonts.exe" (1.9MB).
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You can use REVTeX with PCTeX

REVTeX is a set of LaTeX-based macro files that can be used to prepare a physics manuscript for submission. The latest version of REVTeX, is a cooperative product of the American Physical Society (APS), American Institute of Physics (AIP), and Optical Society of America (OSA).

Click here to install REVTeX v4 (August 2001).  Once the files have been copied REVTeX is ready for use.

See pctexv4\latex\revtex4\ for documentation and samples.

The following instructions show you how to set up REVTeX 3.1 for use with PCTeX32 for Windows and LaTeX2e.

  1. Create a C:\REVTEX directory and copy all REVTeX files into it.
  2. REVTeX was originally written for LaTeX 2.09 (included in PCTeX v1.x for Windows). To use REVTeX 3.1 with LaTeX2e, save the following as REVTEX.CLS, and place it in your C:\REVTEX subdirectory:
  3. %%%%  Start of file revtex.cls %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    %% This file allows REVTeX v3.1 to function correctly under
    %% any releases of LaTeX2e. Put this file wherever
    %% revtex.sty is. Continue to use \documentstyle{revtex}
    %% (with the correct options) and REVTeX will run normally
    %% in compatibility mode. Thanks to David Carlisle for
    %% pointing out this fix. 
    %%%%  End of file revtex.cls %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    This will allow you to run REVTeX 3.1 in LaTeX2e's compatibility mode.
  4. Run PCTeX for Windows and select "INITeX" from the "Typeset" menu.
  5. In the "INITeX" dialog box, check "LaTeX" and then append ";C:\REVTEX" to the end of your existing "Path to input files", and then click INITeX.
  6. Then using REVTeX is as simple as using \documentstyle{revtex}. For more information on the use of REVTeX, please refer to the included documentation and sample files.
To download REVTeX 3.0 from the American Institute of Physics, click here.

Important Note: This information and link are shown here as a courtesy to our customers only. Personal TeX, Inc. neither gives nor implies support of any kind for REVTEX. Download and use at your own risk. Please read all the "readme" files very carefully before downloading.

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Translating Word and WordPerfect documents into TeX

K-Talk Communications, Inc. develops software to convert between popular word processing documents and TeX.

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I installed PCTeX into a long filename directory (such as "C:\Program Files\PCTEX"), but the typesetter can't find any of my documents.

Due to constraints within the Typesetting system, you may not use a directory containing spaces in versions of PCTeX previous to version 5. Thus the common installation directory "C:\Program Files\..." is forbidden. We recommend that you use the supplied default directory of \PCTEX32 or \PCTEXV4. Users who wish to use long file names have found that underscores (i.e. "C:\PCTEX_WITH_SPACES") function well in place of spaces.

You should uninstall and reinstall your product into an appropriately named directory.  Also make sure that your TeX documents are not in a directory with spaces such as "C:\My Documents" or "C:\Documents and Settings".

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I just installed version 4.2, and when I export PDF files the fonts are incorrect and equations do not display or print properly. What should I do?

Download and apply the version 4.2.05 patch above. This update corrects problems with PDF distilling.

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When I attempt to upgrade my version of PCTeX I receive the following error: "Old file not found. However, a file of the same name was found. No update done since file contents do not match."

This problem can be circumvented by uninstalling and reinstalling the previous version, and then applying the upgrade.

Please make sure that the version that you're updating is supported by the patch (i.e. you can't use the 4.2.05 update on a 4.0 version).

When you run the upgrade program there is an "Change Options" button, click this and choose the "Error File" option, and then click "OK". Run the upgrade and when it fails in the PCTeX directory there will be a file named patch.err which tells what happened.

Note:On some systems if the 4.0 to 4.2 upgrade is run from a CD-ROM it causes some long filenames to become truncated. Please copy the upgrade to your hard disk and run it from there.

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I am using PCTeX version 4.0 or 4.01, and when I open my TeX documents some of the lines come out double-spaced causing the file to typeset incorrectly.

The double-spacing bug is solved in the 4.0 editor update above.

If you are using a later version the file most likely was saved in a 4.0 version. You will need to remove the double-spacing with an editor that supports searching for carriage returns. Simply search for two consecutive carriage returns and replace them with one. In Microsoft Word you can search for "^p^p" and replace it with "^p".

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When I typeset my documents symbols like $\leq$ come out incorrectly.

This error occurs only when using version 4.01 under Windows XP in GDI mode. If you switch to PostScript mode by going to Settings.. Default Settings.. Advanced.. PostScript, the characters should come out correctly. This problem has been resolved in our latest version, 4.2.

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I'm having trouble printing to my PostScript printer from PCTeX. Nothing happens when I try to print, but I am able to print with other applications.

This problem has been fixed in version 4.2.03.  Download the latest 4.2 update above.

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I am using PCTeX version 4.0 or 4.01 and my EPS figures in my documents are displaying incorrectly.

The distortions in the EPS figures are most likely caused by the outdated DVIPS processor in version 4.0. In our latest version, 4.2, we use an updated DVIPS processor in which these errors have been corrected.

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When I view a DVI document the text appears green on my screen or PCTeX32 tells me "... Font is missing or corrupted ...". Furthermore, equations aren't recognizable and ligatures (such as 'fi', 'ffi') show up strangely.

Green characters, and the "Font is missing or corrupted message" signify that the correct font is erroneously loaded on your system. Since the appropriate TeX font is not available, PCTeX will substitute an existing font (typically Times New Roman). Since this substitute font is not what is expected, the resulting output appears flawed.

You should correct this condition in one of two ways:

  • Open the Windows Control Panel, then open the Fonts folder. In the fonts folder, make sure you are viewing Details. Push the button at the top named Size. Delete all fonts with Zero (Ok) byte size. Close the Fonts window and the Control Panel window, and restart PCTeX.




  • PCTeX version 3.x: Since this version uses dynamic font loading, the fonts are not permanently installed in Windows. Font substitution could result if the dynamic font list (stored in the PCTEXW32.INI file) was lost or damaged. A backup of the vital section is stored in your installation directory as PCTEXW32.SAV. To repair your INI file:
    1. Open PCTEXW32.SAV from your installation directory in a text editor (use Notepad, Wordpad, or the PCTeX editor). Choose Select All and Copy from the edit menu.
    2. Open PCTEXW32.INI from your Windows directory, and scan through the file for a section starting with either "[ttfonts]" or "[FontList]". If such blocks exist, remove the block up until the next empty line.
    3. Place the cursor at the bottom of the file, press return once to generate a blank line, then Paste in the block copied from the SAV file.
    4. Save this file. Your problem should be resolved the next time you start PCTeX.
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I need to get the latest AMS macro packages!

Simply click here to go to the American Mathematical Society's FTP website. Download the .zip files (amslatex.zip and amstex.zip), and unzip them into their respective directories (over-writing the older files): amsltx12 (AMS LaTeX) and amstex (AMSTeX).

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Is it OK to install a newer version of PCTeX in the same folder as the previous version?

PCTeX version 4 must be installed in a separate directory than version 3. Do not install over version 3. However, the version 4.2 upgrade must be installed on top of version 4.0.

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Why am I unable to use the PostScript fonts that I installed on my computer in PCTeX32 v.3.x?

PCTeX32 is able to use PostScript fonts. Before it is able to utilize them, however, they must be installed in Windows' fonts directory in True Type format (there are many programs available for converting from Post Script to True Type). Once this has been successfully accomplished, one may generate the appropriate TeX Metric File (TFM) for any one of the True Type fonts in Windows' fonts directory. In PCTeX32, in the "Settings... TFM files..." menu, simply press the "Generate TFM File and Decimal Map" button. Select the font you need, press "OK", and PCTeX32 will do the rest. The TFM files, give PCTeX32 metric measurements of your font's characters, which help with proper typesetting. Don't forget to write down the font's 'code name' that PCTeX32 has given your font, which is shown in the corresponding DVI file, in the upper left-hand corner. For future reference, it will be listed by code in the "Settings... TFM files... Added Fonts" window.

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I'd like to use the typesetter from a command prompt. What is its usage for INITeXing and Typesetting?

The typesetter can be run from a command prompt as follows:

ptitex &format documentfile -pi=inputpaths -pt=tfmpaths

Where format is either plain, amsplain or latex,
and documentfile is the directory and name of your document (.TEX extension optional).

Typeset the MATHTEST.TEX sample:

Typeset the ARTICLE.TEX sample:
Note for Windows NT, 2000, or XP: Since the command prompt in these versions reserves the ampersand symbol ("&") you must enclose the format in quotes:
You may run the typesetter in INITeX mode by appending "-i" to the command line. In addition, you may specify a list of search paths for input files with -pi= followed by a semicolon separated list. The search path for TFM files is similarly specified by -pt=. These search paths will be saved in the format file, and will be searched whenever that format is used. Examples for INITeXing the Plain, LaTeX, and AMSPlain formats are given below:
ptitex plain \dump -i -pt=c:\pctex32\wintfms;c:\pctex32\amstfms
ptitex latex.ltx -i -pi=c:\pctex32\latex2e;c:\pctex32\amsltx12 -pt=c:\pctex32\wintfms;c:\pctex32\amstfms
ptitex amsplain \dump -i -pi=c:\pctex32\amstex -pt=c:\pctex32\wintfms;c:\pctex32\amstfms
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I'm using PCTeX32 v3.x and when I try to initialize LaTeX, the typesetter can't find the LCIRCLE10 and LCIRCLEW10 fonts.

Chances are if your using PCTeX32 on a network or with early versions of Windows which don't support for long filenames. Thus when LaTeX looks for a font such as LCIRCLEW10, it is shown as LCIRCLEW and therefore the typesetter correctly reports that no such font exists on disk.

You may circumvent this problem by renaming the following files within your TeX and LaTeX format files. Rename LCIRCLE10.TFM to LCIRCLE1.TFM

Once this is completed, you should be able to typeset as normal.

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I've installed PiCTeX or Table into PCTeX32, but the typesetter can't find their files.

The PiCTeX distribution assumes you are using an older version of PCTeX and installs itself into \PCTEX\TEXINPUT. You need to copy all the files from \PCTEX\TEXINPUT to \PCTEX32\TEXINPUT.

Example copying using the command prompt:

The essential files are: PICTEX.TEX, PREPICTE.TEX, POSTPICT.TEX, PICEX.TEX, and PICPLAIN.TEX. Be sure to read the next entry regarding using these files.

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I'm using PiCTeX under Windows 95 or NT. Even after I've installed it correctly (see previous entry) the typesetter can't find the PREPICTEX or POSTPICTEX files.

The old PiCTeX file distribution has names truncated at 8 characters. Thus the files on disk are named PREPICTE.TEX and POSTPICT.TEX. You should rename these files to PREPICTEX.TEX and POSTPICTEX.TEX respectively. You may use File Manager, Explorer, or the command prompt to perform this renaming.

Example using the command prompt:

ren prepicte.tex prepictex.tex
ren postpict.tex postpictex.tex

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When I use PiCTeX with LaTeX2e the typesetter claims \fiverm is an Undefined control sequence.

PiCTeX was originally designed to be used with Plain TeX and LaTeX 2.09. LaTeX 2e emulates LaTeX 2.09 well, but does not by default load the numerous fonts used by the older version. Since PiCTeX depends on some of these old fonts being loaded, you must request that LaTeX2e load all the old fonts by using the rawfonts package.
  • If you are using LaTeX in compatibility mode (i.e. you use \documentstyle), include rawfonts in the options list:
  • \documentstyle[rawfonts]{article}
    If you already have options listed, append it to end of the list
  • If you are using LaTeX in 2e mode, add a package statement as follows:
  • \documentclass{article}
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Help with BibTeX

Please note that BibTeX was created by the LaTeX community and not by Personal TeX, Inc. We therefore cannot guarantee its usage and have included the following as well as the actual macros as a convenience to our customers.  We ask that you exhaust all other resources (internet, other books, etc.) before contacting the technical support department with your questions or comments about BibTeX.

For complete instructions on the use of BibTeX typeset the document "btxdoc.tex" in PCTeX's TEXINPUT directory or acquire the book "LaTeX - A Document Preparation System" by Leslie Lamort \ Addison Wesley

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I'd like to set up BibTeX as a tool, but can't figure out the proper parameter string to invoke it.

The proper parameter string for BibTeX as a tool under PCTeX is "%d\%f". This will expand to the full path and name of the TeX file, but without the extension. Be sure to read the next entry if you're using BibTeX under Windows 95 or NT.

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I'm using BibTeX under Windows 95 or NT, and it doesn't behave correctly on long filenames or in long filename directories.

The BibTeX program provided is a DOS executable, and thus does not recognize long filenames. It is recommended that you not use long filenames when working with BibTeX. Advanced users may circumvent this problem by doing the following:
    Open a New Document in PCTeX (by selecting New from the File Menu.
    Type the following (replacing C:\PCTEX32 by your installation directory, if different, and C:\TEMP by an appropriate TEMP directory):
    Choose Save from the File Menu. Specify C:\PCTEX32\BIBTEX.BAT as the filename.
    Configure this Batch file as a tool with the following entries:
    Menu Text: &BibTeX
    Program File Name: C:\PCTEX32\BIBTEX.BAT
    Parameters: %d\%f
    Working Directory: C:\PCTEX32

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I would like to download the PostScript versions of the TeX fonts.

Click here to download the PostScript fonts.
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How do I stop the PCTeX logo from displaying, on startup?

In the shortcut icon to PCTeX, go to "Properties... Shortcut...". Change the path \PCTEX32\PCTEXW32.EXE to \PCTEX32\PCTEXW32.EXE /nologo adding the /nologo command in the "Shortcut" input window.
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I'd like to convert my LaTeX files to Excel, or Excel document into LaTeX - How can I do that?

For information, click here for Excel2Latex.

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Why does PCTeX uses the English keyboard mapping?

You probably have more than one keyboard layout installed. If you don't use the English mapping you should remove it.

 In Windows 2000, from the Start Menu, select "Settings" then "Control Panel". Select "Keyboard" and select the "Input Locales" tab. You should remove or change any layouts that don't match the keyboard you are using. If you need to use more than one layout you may want to select "Enable indicator on taskbar".

 In Windows XP go to the Control Panel in the Start Menu and select "Regional and Language Options". Select "Languages" and then "Details". You should remove or change any layout that is different from your keyboard. If you need to use more than one layout you might want to turn on the "Language Bar" to make switching layouts easier.

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Why doesn't the mouse wheel work?

The mouse wheel works only in the DVI viewer in version 4.2.05.
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Color figures in document appear black and white.

You need to increase the color depth of the viewer. Select "Default Settings" from the "Settings" menu, select the "Postscript" tab, and then select either "Index Color" or "Full Color" for the color depth.
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How to export PDF files with version 4.2.

To export PDF files you must be in the PostScript rendering mode (go to the "Settings" menu, select "Default Settings", click on the "Advanced" tab, under "Method for rendering DVI" select "PostScript", and then close and reopen PCTeX).

Once in the PostScript rendering mode you can export by selecting "Export PDF" from the "File" menu while viewing the DVI output.

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Using JPG, PCX, TGA, and TIF files in PCTeX.

Starting with version 4.0, PCTeX's BMP commands support most popular bitmap graphic formats as long as they don't use LZW compression.

The BMP commands can be found by going to the "Help" menu, selecting "PCTeX Helper", selecting the "Graphics" menu, and then selecting "BMP".

Note for users of 4.0 and 4.2: PCTeX must be in the PostScript rendering mode (go to the "Settings" menu, select "Default Settings", click on the "Advanced" tab, under "Method for rendering DVI" select "PostScript", and then close and reopen PCTeX) to use these graphic formats.

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Increasing memory in BibTeX.

To increase the capacity of BibTeX go to the Settings menu, select De\ fault Settings, and click on the BibTeX Arguments tab. There you sh\ ould see a field for Option String:. By default this is set to "-8\ " to force 8-bit mode. If you change this to "-8 -B" it will do\ uble the function capacity. If this is still not enough try "-8 -H" \ -- this has the same function space as the largest mode: "-8 -W".
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Using the hyperref package with PCTeX.

It is recommened that the hyperref package should be called with the following options:
\usepackage[dvips, bookmarks, colorlinks=true, plainpages = false, citecolor = green, urlcolor = blue, filecolor = blue]{hyperref}
Example LaTeX document using hyperref:
\usepackage[dvips, bookmarks, colorlinks=true, plainpages = false,
citecolor = green, urlcolor = blue, filecolor = blue]{hyperref}
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