Personal TeX provides support only for questions regarding our products.
If you have questions regarding TeX in general please consult the following
TeX Users Group's resources:
Resources for users new to TeX:
Consultants for TeX questions:
You may also click here to view some helpful PDF files.
If you need help installing the MathTimeProfessional fonts in a non-PCTeX program, click here.
If you cannot find an answer to your question on this page please
click here to fill out a help request form.
PCTeX v.5
(If you have an older version of PCTeX, click here.)
Please check for the latest update before submitting a help request. To check for an update: make sure that you are connected to the Internet, run PCTeX, go to the "Help" menu, and check for updates.
You can also download standalone updaters from
For additional TeX packages that can be automatically installed by PCTeXv5's Package Manager, click here.
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You may also to consult the following helpful PDF files which can be read with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (click here to download):
- BibTeXing: Documentation for BibTeX.
- Designing BibTeX Styles: Documentation on designing your own BibTeX styles.
- Documentation for MakeIndex.
- Using graphics in the multi-column environment by Anita Hoover, consultant for Personal TeX, Inc.
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Problems and solutions follow.
You can use your browser's search function to locate the information you
are looking for.
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PCTeXv5 Reader installed even though higher version was purchased. How do I enter my product code?
Go to the Help menu, select Registration, enter your product code, and click on Register.
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You should download and run the latest standalone updater from
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Scaling text and equations that have been exported as PS, EPS, and AI files.
Since these are vector formats they can be scaled without the degradation that occurs with bitmaps.
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If you are unable to connect to our server, access may
be blocked at your end by a personal firewall.
You may test basic connectivity to our server by pointing your browser
to If you see
the CTAN site, you know that there
are no network issues preventing the communication from outside your
computer to Personal TeX. However, a personal firewall could be blocking
the updater from reaching the outside net. Read on for details:
Aggressive firewalls may prevent outgoing connection from your
computer, as they can be configured to disallow connections from programs
not explicitly permitted to contact the network. While this is useful to
prevent "SpyWare" programs and such, it can inadvertently block
from contacting the updater site.
The attempted connection will have the following characteristics.
Please see your firewall program's documentation for how to configure your
Program: updater.exe (located in your pctex installation dir)
Remote host: and
Remote port: 80 (HTTP)
Program: pctexv5.exe (located in your pctex installation dir)
Remote host: and
Remote port: 80 (HTTP)
If you are still unable to update your product via the Help menu, we have made a standalone updater available at
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To increase the capacity of BibTeX go to the Settings menu, select Default Settings, and click on the BibTeX Arguments tab. There you should see a field for Option String:. By default this is set to "-8" to force 8-bit mode. If you change this to "-8 -B" it will double the function capacity. If this is still not enough try "-8 -H" -- this has the same function space as the largest mode: "-8 -W".
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It is recommended that the hyperref package should be called with the following options:
\usepackage[dvips, bookmarks, colorlinks=true, plainpages = false, citecolor = green, urlcolor = blue, filecolor = blue]{hyperref}
Example LaTeX document using hyperref:
\usepackage[dvips, bookmarks, colorlinks=true, plainpages = false,
citecolor = green, urlcolor = blue, filecolor = blue]{hyperref}
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Error message "The procedure entry point SHGetSpecialFolderPathA could not be located in the dynamic link library Shell32.dll.".
This error only occurs for people who obtained the product before July
15, 2003. To correct it, simply run a standalone updater, obtainable from
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Using JPG, PCX, TGA, and TIF files in PCTeX.
Starting with version 4.0, PCTeX's BMP commands support most popular bitmap graphic formats as long as they don't use LZW compression.
The BMP commands can be found by going to the "Help" menu, selecting "PCTeX Helper", selecting the "Graphics" menu, and then selecting "BMP".
Note for users of 4.0 and 4.2: PCTeX must be in the PostScript rendering mode (go to the "Settings" menu, select "Default Settings", click on the "Advanced" tab, under "Method for rendering DVI" select "PostScript", and then close and reopen PCTeX) to use these graphic formats.
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Is it okay to use directories that have spaces with PCTeXv5?
Yes, one of the new features of PCTeXv5 is that it can bypass TeX's problem with directories that have spaces in their name.
This means that PCTeXv5's program folder can be installed in C:\Program Files without TeX being unable to locate files.
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Message "Warning: could not find" after multiple typesets.
This has been fixed in the latest update. To download the latest update: make sure that you are connected to the Internet, run PCTeX, go to the "Help" menu, and check for updates.
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Using EMF figures in PCTeX.
This has been fixed in the latest update. To download the latest update: make sure that you are connected to the Internet, run PCTeX, go to the "Help" menu, and check for updates.
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When PCTeXv5 loads, it displays an error and then closes.
This has been fixed in the latest update. To download the latest update: visit our updater website here. This will allow you to download and apply a PCTeX update without needing to run PCTeX.
This might be related to an "auto-load" projects bug which is under investigation. You may clear the list of projects that are automatically loaded on startup by downloading this program and running it on your computer. It will display the current list of projects that would have been opened automatically at startup, and will clear this list. When you next run PCTeX, you may manually open whichever projects you want from the File->Open menu.
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Installing the MathTimeProfessional Fonts in a non-PCTeX Program.
Right-click on the, select "Rename" from the pop-up menu, type the new name "" (without the quotation marks), and press the Enter/Return key.
Double-click on the file, and either Windows or your ZIP program will show you its contents.
Open its texmf folder.
Select all the folders (the tpm folder is not necessary) and drag them to
your program's texmf directory (usually C:\localtexmf or C:\texmf).
It will tell you these folders already exist and some file may be
overwritten. It is very unlikely that you already have any files with the
same names, but you should backup any files that you are concerned about
losing. Once you are sure it's okay to copy the new files, answer "Yes to
You will need to edit the local copy of updmap.cfg (usually in \localtexmf\web2c\) and add the line "Map #localtexmf\dvips\mtpro\". After this has been done, run updmap or initexmf --mkmaps .
If your system doesn't have updmap, you will need to edit the file (usually in \localtexmf\dvips\config\local\ ) and add the line "p". Also you will need to edit the pdftex.cfg file (usually in \localtexmf\pdftex\config\) and add the line "map".
If you are using MiKTeX, you should go to the Start Menu, select either Programs or All Programs, select MiKTeX, and then select MiKTeX Options. In MiKTeX Options, click the "Refresh Now" button.
The package should now be installed.
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Silent Installation of PCTeX
PCTeX will be installed silently if you use the /SILENT command line parameter when running the setup program. Using the /VERYSILENT parameter will perform a silent installation with the progress window hidden.
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