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Downloading PCTeXv5

Click here to download PCTeXv5 installer (Updated October 26th, 2005). If you need help installing, follow the instructions below.

Installing PCTeXv5

  1. Download the PCTeXv5 installer above. Save it in a location that you will be able to find later.
  2. Locate and run the PCTeXv5 installer by double-clicking the file downloaded in step #1.
  3. Follow the instructions of the installer and enter the requested information.
  4. Towards the end of the installation process you will have the option to review your choices. When satisfied with the options click on Install.
  5. When the installation is completed click on Finish to close the installer.
  6. Start PCTeXv5 by clicking on its icon in the Start Menu, on the Quick Launch Bar, or on the Desktop.
During the first run, PCTeXv5 will install many packages that extend the TeX system. Please be patient. This installation task is not performed on subsequent runs.

PCTeXv5 by default is in the free Reader mode.

You can receive codes for more powerful modes by either:

To use the code you receive, follow these simple instructions:

  1. When using the PCTeXv5 program go to the Help menu.
  2. Select Registration.
  3. Enter your code where it says Registration Code:
  4. Finally, click on Register

Uninstalling PCTeXv5

PCTeXv5 can be uninstalled by using the Add/Remove Programs interface found in the Control Panel.
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