PCTeXv5 Home Products Support Company

Located in the famous North Beach Neighborhood of San Francisco, California, Personal TeX, Inc. creates and markets a variety of its own popular TeX products for personal computers. Personal TeX, Inc., which was founded by Lance Carnes in 1984, also markets additional TeX-related products from other suppliers. Initial implementations of TeX were for mainframe computers and powerful work stations, but since 1985 when PCTeX was introduced, the TeX system has been available for personal computers. Personal TeX produced and marketed the very first IBM PC-based TeX system.

We offer:

  • First-rate, prompt, free technical support on all Personal TeX products
  • One-stop shopping for all major TeX software and books
  • The fastest, most powerful PC versions of TeX
  • More personal computer TeX installations than anyone else
  • Money-saving systems to get you up to speed quickly
  • A knowledgeable staff to assist you

Contact Information

Mailing Address
Personal TeX, Inc.
725 Greenwich Street, Suite 210
San Francisco, CA 94133
Phone Numbers
Sales Department
Tel. 1-415-296-7550
Fax 1-415-296-7501
Toll free 1-800-808-7906

Join Thousands of other Publishing Professionals who use PCTeX to Make their Work Look its Best.

Professors, students, business people, programmers, authors, and countless others use PCTeX to give their documents a professional look. PCTeX has been adopted as the standard scientific publishing software at hundreds of universities and corporations, and is used by thousands throughout the world, including:

American Physical Society

Beckman Instruments

Brown University

California Institute of Technology

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Riso National Laboratory, Denmark

City University of Hong Kong


Duke University

Federal Reserve Bank, Kansas City

Harvard University

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Michigan State University


National Research Council

The National University of Singapore

Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore

Ohio State University

Politecnico di Bari, Italy


Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Swiss Telecom PTT, Switzerland

Texas A&M


University College London, United Kingdom

University of Bergen, Norway

University of British Columbia

University of Illinois 

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

University of Montreal

University of New South Wales, Australia

University of Kuopio, Finland

University of Michigan

University of Oulu, Finland

University of Washington

U.S. Naval Postgraduate School

Vanderbilt University

Virginia Polytechnic Institute 

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

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